LOOK – phrasal verbs

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Tradu in engleza folosind “look” cu particula:

1. Poate cineva sa aiba grija de cainele meu in timpul weekendului?

2. Cate carti ai cautat pana acum?

3. Cand invatam o limba straina trebuie sa cautam multe cuvinte.

4. Intotdeauna am admirat persoanele in varsta care sunt inca active.

5. Doar o sa ma uit peste tema ta, n-am de gand sa o cercetez prea mult pentru ca profesorul de matematica va trebui sa vada ce poti.

6. N-ar  trebui niciodata sa dispretuim un om.

7. Fii atent! Ti se va  rani copilul!

8. Politiei i s-a cerut sa investigheze crima.

9. Iubesc sa ma uit pe la magazine.

10. Nu te uita in jos! Vei ameti!

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6 thoughts on “LOOK – phrasal verbs”

  1. 1. Poate cineva sa aiba grija de cainele meu in timpul weekendului?
    Can anybody look after my dog during the weekend?
    2. Cate carti ai cautat pana acum?
    How many books have you looked for so far?
    3. Cand invatam o limba straina trebuie sa cautam multe cuvinte.
    When we learn a foreign language we have look up many words.
    4. Intotdeauna am admirat persoanele in varsta care sunt inca active.
    I have always looked up at the elderly people who are active.
    5. Doar o sa ma uit peste tema ta, n-am de gand sa o cercetez prea mult pentru ca profesorul de matematica va trebui sa vada ce poti.
    I’m just will look over your homework, I’m not going to look through it too much because the math teacher will have to see what you can.
    6. N-ar trebui niciodata sa dispretuim un om.
    We should never look down on a man.
    7. Fii atent! Ti se va rani copilul!
    Look out! Your child will be hurt!
    8. Politiei i s-a cerut sa investigheze crima.
    The police were asked to look into the crime.
    9. Iubesc sa ma uit pe la magazine.
    I love to look around the shops.
    10. Nu te uita in jos! Vei ameti!
    Don’t look down! You will get dizzy!

    • Bine, Cornelia! Foarte bine!

      Ai doar o problemuta: la 5 – I will just look = doar o sa ma uit, este viitor.

      La 4 look up TO
      Deci look up TO = a privi cu admiratie pe cineva si look up AT = a se uita in sus la (ceva/cineva) textul.

  2. 1.Can anybody look after my dog during the weekend?
    2.How many books have you looked for so far?
    3.When we learn a foreign language we have to look up many words.
    4. I have always looked up at elderly who are still active.
    5.I’m only looking over your homework, I’ m not going to look through it ,because the Math teacher will have to see what you can do.
    6.We should never look down on a human
    7.Look out! Your baby will be hurt.
    8.The police were asked to look into the case.
    9.I love to look aroud the shops.
    10.Don’t look down! You will get dizzy!

    • Felicitari, ai facut foarte bine!!

      Cateva ajustari:
      4 – Deci look up TO = a admira pe cineva
      “Look up at” este textual “a se uita in sus la cineva” – Look up at these mountains! = Uita-te in sus la muntii astia!

      7 – get hurt = a se rani, altfel hurt = a rani

  3. Hello Mădălina,
    First of all I have to tell you I missed your lessons.
    1. Can anybody to look after my dog during the week end?
    2. How many books have you looked for so far?
    3. When we learn a foreign language we have to look up many words.
    4. I always looked up at the old persons who were active yet.
    5. I only look over your homework, I am not going to look through it because the math teacher will have to see what you can do.
    6. We never should look down on a human.
    7. Look out! Your child will hurt.
    8. The police were asked to look into the case.
    9. I love to look around.
    10. Don’t look down! You will be dizzy.

    • Hello Liliana,
      I have also missed my work and connection with you 🙂
      Congratulations for your work!

      A few things to mention:

      1. no “to” after can
      4. Present Perfect (because I still do it – there is nothing in a specific past moment with no connection with present) + …who ARE still active (care sunt inca…)
      5. I’ll only look / I’m only looking (look at the context, it’s not repeated)
      6. should never (frequency adverbs are placed after to be and modals)
      7. …get hurt (a se rani, otherwise hurt = a rani)
      9. …the shops 🙂
      10. get dizzy = a ameti


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