Tradu in engleza:

1. A zis ca a vrut sa-mi ceara o favoare, dar nu a indraznit. Voia sa ma invite la o ceasca de cafea.

2. Ghici ce! Ieri am intalnit-o pe fosta ta colega de banca si m-a intrebat de tine. I-am zis ca esti absolut in regula.

3. Ai intrebat-o pe colega mea si daca s-a casatorit?

4. Imi era frica sa pun intrebari cand eram la scoala.

5. Ai cerut voie cand i-ai folosit telefonul?

6. Nu, dar am intrebat-o de ce fuma in birou in loc sa fumeze afara.

7. Cand a plecat verisorul nostru in vacanta, a cerut multi bani.

8. Sotul tau cere vreodata directii intr-un oras nou?

9. Nu stiu ce sa fac cu fratele meu… e prea timid ca sa le invite pe fete in oras.

10. Stii ca parintii nu prea cer sfaturi.

14 thoughts on “ASK”

  1. 1. A zis ca a vrut sa-mi ceara o favoare, dar nu a indraznit. Voia sa ma invite la o ceasca de cafea.
    He/She said that he/she wanted to ask me a favour , but he/she didn’t dare. He/ she wanted to ask me to a cup of coffee.

    2. Ghici ce! Ieri am intalnit-o pe fosta ta colega de banca si m-a intrebat de tine. I-am zis ca esti absolut in regula.
    Guess what! Yesterday , I met your former deskmate / bank collegue and she asked me after you. I told her that you were absolutely fine.

    3. Ai intrebat-o pe colega mea si daca s-a casatorit?
    Did you ask my deskmate / collegue if she got married?

    4. Imi era frica sa pun intrebari cand eram la scoala.
    I was afraid to ask questions when I was in school.

    5. Ai cerut voie cand i-ai folosit telefonul?
    Did you ask permission when you used her phone?

    6. Nu, dar am intrebat-o de ce fuma in birou in loc sa fumeze afara.
    Not, but I asked her why she was smoking in the office instead to smoke outside / instead of smoking outside

    7. Cand a plecat verisorul nostru in vacanta, a cerut multi bani.
    When our cousin went in vacation, he asked for a lot of money.

    8. Sotul tau cere vreodata directii intr-un oras nou?
    Does your husband ever ask for directions in a new city?

    9. Nu stiu ce sa fac cu fratele meu… e prea timid ca sa le invite pe fete in oras.
    I don’t know to do with my brother… he is too shy to ask girls out.

    10. Stii ca parintii nu prea cer sfaturi.
    You know that parents don’t really ask for advice.

    • Ce raspuns aranjat 🙂 Apreciez ca ai pus si propozitiile in romana, ca sa nu mai fac eu ping-pong 🙂
      Si felicitari, nicio greseala de vocabular pentru “ask”!

      Avem doar cateva ajustari:

      2 – desk mate
      bank = banca (aia cu bani)

      6 – regula este instead OF + V-ing

      7 – ON vacation/holiday/honeymoon/trip (stiu, e cosmar cu prepozitiile)

  2. Multumesc pentru precizari, initial am scris prop 1. asa: he said that he had wanted…. but he hadn’t dared….ar fi fost corect?( m – am gandit sa folosesc indirect speech.. am o problema cu acest aspect ..).

    • Da, ar fi fost corect si asa. Textual in romana ar fi fost “A zis CA VRUSESE sa-mi ceara o favoare, dar nu INDRAZNISE.”

  3. 1. He said that he wanted to ask me a favour, but he doesn’t dare it. He wanted to ask me for a cup of coffee.
    2.Guess what! I met your former bank colleague and she asked me about you, yesterday. I told her you are well.
    3.Did you ask her if she married?
    4.I was afraid to ask questions when I was at the school.
    5.Did you ask permission to use his/her phone?
    6.No, but I asked her why she smokes in the office, instead of smoking outside.
    7.When my cousin left in the holiday, he asked for much money.
    8.Did your husband askes for directions in a new city?
    9.I don’t know what to do with my brother…he is too shy to ask girl out.
    10.You know that the parents don’t ask any advice.
    Thank you for your lessons. They are very useful for us.

    • 1 – cred ca din neatentie ai pus “doesn’t dare” in loc de “didn’t dare”, avem Past Simple peste tot, n-avem ce cauta cu prezent
      2. bank = banca (aia cu bani); desk = banca (la scoala) sau birou; bench = banca (de stat pe ea)
      Complementele de timp pot sta si la inceput, nu le forta dupa 🙂
      3. “in school” insemnand la scoala ca sa invete acolo.
      4. “at the school” ar fi ceva gen ca te-ai dus in vizita pe-acolo
      7. cand pleci dintr-un loc spui “leave” + locul, fara prepozitie
      cand pleci intr-un loc spui “leave for” + locul
      cand pleci in vacanta/intr-o excursie/in luna de miere spui “leave ON holiday/a trip/ the honeymoon”
      8. schema lui Present Simple (pt ca e o chestie prezenta repetata): Does + S + V (fara terminatii)
      10. ask for advice

      N-au fost probleme de vocabular de la lectie cu “ask”, doar chestii marunte, dar care dau savoare 🙂
      Felicitari pentru ca ai avut bunavointa si te-ai straduit si pentru ca tocmai ai facut niste greseli minunate din care sigur o sa inveti 🙂 Nu va fie frica de greseli!!

  4. 1.He said (that )he has wanted to ask me a favour, but he hasn’t dared. He wanted to ask me to a cup of coffee.
    2.Guess what? I met your former deskmate yesterday and she asked after you.I told her you are absolutely fine.
    3.Did you ask my colleague if she got married, too?
    4.I was afraid to ask questions when I was in school.
    5.Did you ask the permission when you used her phone?
    6.No, but I asked her why she smoked inside of the office instead of outside.
    7.When our cousin left on holiday, he asked for much money.
    8. Does your husband ever ask for directions in a new town?
    9.I don’t know what to do with my brother.. he is too shy to ask girls out.
    10.You know your parents don’t ask for pieces of advice.

    • Alina, avem o problemuța la timpuri:
      1. Avem “he SAID”, deci Past Simple, deci nu mai avem nimic sa aiba legatura cu prezentul. Daca vrei, o poti privi ca pe o transpunere din vorbirea directa, iar atunci nu mai avem Present Perfect.
      6 – “inside” fara “of”; instead of + V-ing
      10 – mergea si “advice” simplu, generic vorbind.

      In rest toate bune si frumoase si felicitari 🙂

  5. 1.He said he wanted to ask me a favour, but he didn’t dare. He wanted to ask me to a cup of coffee.
    2.Guess what! Yesterday I met your deskmate and she asked after you. I told her you are absolutely fine.
    3.Did you ask my colleague if she got married too?
    4.I was afraid to ask questions when I was in school.
    5.Did you ask permission when you used her phone?
    6.No, but I asked her why she was smoking in the office instead of smoking outside.
    7.When our cousin left on vacation, he asked for much money.
    8.Does your husband ever ask for directions in a new city?
    9.I don’t know what to do with my brother…..he’s too shy to ask girls out.
    10.You know the parents don’t really ask for advice.

  6. Hello Madalina,
    First of all, I would like to thank you for this lesson. It is very usefull for me.
    I;m trying to solve these sentences….we learn from mistakes.
    1. He said he wanted to ask me a favour but he didn’t dare. He wanted to ask me to a cup of coffee.
    2. Guess what! Yestarday I met your former classmate and she ask after you. I told her that you are absolutely fine.
    3. Did you ask my colleague if she got married, too?
    4. I was afraid to ask questions when I was in school.
    5. Did you ask permission when you used the phone?
    6. No, but I asked her why she smoked in the office instead to smoke outside.
    7. When our cousin left on holiday, he asked for much money.
    8. Does your husband ever ask for directions in a new town?
    9. I do not know what to do with my brother….he is too shy to ask girls out.
    10. You know that parents really do not ask for advice.

    • Hello Liliana 🙂

      We definitely learn from mistakes! But you haven’t made many 🙂

      2. …askED after
      6. instead of smokING

      That’s all. Congrats 🙂


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