Tradu in engleza:

1. A trebuit sa plateasca biletele de vacanta in avans.

2. Aveti grija la traducere!

3. Daca am primi venitul but, am avea mai multi bani.

4. Esti platit bine sau pandemia a venit cu o taiere de salariu?

5. Cum ai platit platit robotul de bucatarie, cash sau cu cardul?

6. E intotdeauna foarte politicos, acorda respect batranilor si face complimente doamnelor.

7. A venit ziua de salariu? Am nevoie sa platesc niste facturi.

8. Cred ca ai platit o groaza de bani pentru apartamentul asta.

9. Au mers la inmormantare sa ofere omagii fostei profesoare.

10. Salariul net este cantitatea de bani dupa ce sunt scoase toate deducerile.

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15 thoughts on “PAY”

  1. 1. A trebuit sa plateasca biletele de vacanta in avans.
    He had to pay for his vacation ticketes in advance.
    2. Aveti grija la traducere!
    Pay attention to translation!
    3. Daca am primi venitul but, am avea mai multi bani.
    If we receive / get the gross pay we would have much money.
    4. Esti platit bine sau pandemia a venit cu o taiere de salariu?
    Are you well paid or did the pandemic come with a cut pay?
    5. Cum ai platit platit robotul de bucatarie, cash sau cu cardul?
    How did you pay for the kitchen robot / food processor in cash or by card?
    6. E intotdeauna foarte politicos, acorda respect batranilor si face complimente doamnelor.
    He is always very polite, he pays respect the old men and pays compliments the ladies
    7. A venit ziua de salariu? Am nevoie sa platesc niste facturi.
    Has the payday come?/ Did the payday come? I need to pay for some bills.
    8. Cred ca ai platit o groaza de bani pentru apartamentul asta.
    I think you paid an arm and a leg for this apartment.
    9. Au mers la inmormantare sa ofere omagii fostei profesoare.
    He went to the funeral to pay homage to former teacher.
    10. Salariul net este cantitatea de bani dupa ce sunt scoase toate deducerile.
    The net pay is the amount of money after all deductions are deducted

    • Bine, Cornelia!

      3. RECEIVED – conditionala tip 2
      4. has the pandemic come => inca are legatura cu prezentul
      6. TO the ladies
      7. Present Perfect pt ca spune ca ARE de platit, legatura cu prezentul
      10. …taken out ca sanu ne repetam

  2. 1. A trebuit sa plateasca biletele de vacanta in avans.
    He had to pay for the tickets of holiday in advance.
    2. Aveti grija la traducere!
    Pay attention to the translation!
    3. Daca am primi venitul but, am avea mai multi bani.
    If we got gross pay, we would have more money.
    4. Esti platit bine sau pandemia a venit cu o taiere de salariu?
    Are you pay well or the pandemic has came with a pay cut?
    5. Cum ai platit platit robotul de bucatarie, cash sau cu cardul?
    How did you pay the kitchen robot, in cash or by card?
    6. E intotdeauna foarte politicos, acorda respect batranilor si face complimente doamnelor.
    He is always very polite, he pays respect to the old man and he make compliments to the ladies.
    7. A venit ziua de salariu? Am nevoie sa platesc niste facturi.
    Has payday come? I need to pay some bills.
    8. Cred ca ai platit o groaza de bani pentru apartamentul asta.
    I think you paid a lot of the money for this apartment.
    9. Au mers la inmormantare sa ofere omagii fostei profesoare.
    They went to the funeral to pay compliments to the former teacher.
    10. Salariul net este cantitatea de bani dupa ce sunt scoase toate deducerile.
    The net pay is the amount of money after all deductions are taken out.

    • Multummesc pentru variantele in romana 🙂 Nu sunt prea multe de corectat:

      4. Este o fraza interogativa unde ambele propozitii sunt principale! Ca urmare, ambele vor avea schema de interogativ. In plus, e COME pt ca e forma a treia.
      5. pay FOR
      6. makeS – sau PAYS compliments, mai folosit.

  3. 1.He has to pay in advance for holiday tickets.
    2.Pay attention to the translate!
    3.If we receive gross pay we would have more money.
    4.Are you paid well or the pandemic has came with a pay cut?
    5.How did you pay for the food processor, cash or by card?
    6.He is always very polite, he pays respect to the elders and he pays compliments to the ladies.
    7.Did the payday come?I have to pay some bills.
    8.I think you paid an arm and a leg for this flat.
    9.They went to the funeral to pay homage to the former teacher.
    10.Net pay is the amount of money after all taxs relief are removed.

    • Bine, Alina! Doar cateva corectari:

      1. HAD to, ca e “a trebuit”
      3. RECEIVED – conditionala tip 2
      4. Este o fraza interogativa unde ambele propozitii sunt principale! Ca urmare, ambele vor avea schema de interogativ. In plus, e COME pt ca e forma a treia.
      7. As zice Present Perfect pentru ca nu ma refer la ceva trecut, care sa nu mai aiba legatura cu prezentul. Iti spune ca trebuie sa plateasca niste facturi
      10….taxes are …

  4. Tradu in engleza:
    1. A trebuit sa plateasca biletele de vacanta in avans.
    They had to pay for the holiday tickets in advance/upfront.
    2. Aveti grija la traducere!
    Pay attention to the translation!
    3. Daca am primi venitul brut, am avea mai multi bani.
    If we got the gross pay, we would have more money.
    4. Esti platit bine sau pandemia a venit cu o taiere de salariu?
    Are you well paid or dit the pandemic come with a pay cut?
    5. Cum ai platit platit robotul de bucatarie, cash sau cu cardul?
    How did you pay for the kitchen robot in cash or by credit card?
    6. E intotdeauna foarte politicos, acorda respect batranilor si face complimente doamnelor.
    He is always very polite, he respects the elderly people, and he pays compliments to ladies.
    7. A venit ziua de salariu? Am nevoie sa platesc niste facturi.
    Is it payday? I need to pay some bills.
    8. Cred ca ai platit o groaza de bani pentru apartamentul asta
    I suppose that you paid an arm and a leg for this apartment.
    9. Au mers la inmormantare sa ofere omagii fostei profesoare.
    They went to the funeral to pay homage to their former teacher.
    10. Salariul net este cantitatea de bani dupa ce sunt scoase toate deducerile.
    The net pay is the amount of money after all taxes are deduced.

    • Congrats! I’m impressed 🙂
      4. …has the pandemic come… => din pacate inca are legatura cu prezentul 🙂

  5. 1.He had to pay for the holiday tickets in advance.
    2.Pay attention to the translation!
    3.If we received the gross pay, we would have more money.
    4.Are you well paid or the pandemic has come with a pay cut?
    5.How did you pay the food processor, (in) cash or by card?
    6.He is always very polite, pays respect to the elders and pays compliments to the ladies.
    7.Did the payday come? I need to pay some bills.
    8.I think you paid a lot of money for this apartment.
    9.They went to the funeral to pay homage to the former teacher.
    10.The net salary is the amount of money after all deductions are deducted.

    • Felicitari, Liliana 🙂

      4. Este o fraza interogativa unde ambele propozitii sunt principale! Ca urmare, ambele vor avea schema de interogativ 🙂
      5. FOR the …
      7. As zice Present Perfect pentru ca nu ma refer la ceva trecut, care sa nu mai aiba legatura cu prezentul. Iti spune ca trebuie sa plateasca niste facturi.
      10. …are “taken out” = scoase, asta ca sa nu ma repet cu “deduct”


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