GET – sensuri de baza

Tradu in engleza folosind “get”:

1. M-am plictisit în timp ce îl așteptam.

2. Pisica mea nu se poate obisnui să meargă pe atâta zăpadă.

3. Donna s-a îmbrăcat și a ieșit acum o oră.

4. Oh, sunt atât de fericit că te căsătorești anul acesta!

5. Luna aceasta este din ce în ce mai frig afară.

6. În zilele noastre, să fii capabil să vorbești o limbă străină a devenit din ce în ce mai important.

7. Uite cate cadouri a primit fiica mea ieri!

8. Nu mă înțelege greșit, vreau doar ce e mai bun pentru tine!

9. Are grijă de el insusi pentru că nu vrea să facă nicio boală.

10. Poți să mergi să iei un alt pahar, te rog?

Vezi traducerea in videoclip:

8 thoughts on “GET – sensuri de baza”

    • 1. I got bored while I was waiting for him.
      2. My cât doesn’t get accustomed to walking on this snow.
      3. Donna got dressed and went out an hour ago.
      4. Oh, I am so happy that you get merried this year.
      5. This month it is getting colder and colder.
      6. Nowadays, being able to speak a foreign language is getting more and more important.
      7. Look how many presents my daughter got yesterday.
      8. Don’t get me wrong, I only want the best for you.
      9. He take care of himself because he doesn’t want to get disease.
      10. Can you get me another glass, please!

  1. 1. I got bored while I was waiting for him.
    2. My cat can’t get used to walking in so much snow.
    3. Donna got dressed and went out an hour ago.
    4. Oh, I’m so happy you’re getting married this year!
    5. It’s getting colder outside this month.
    6. Nowadays being able to speak a foreign language has got more and more important.
    7. Look how many presents my daughter got yesterday!
    8. Don’t get me wrong, I only want the best for you!
    9. He takes care of himself because he doesn’t want to get any disease.
    10. Can you go get another drink, please?

    • Super, Liliana! Bine tradus, iar timpurile sunt foarte bine. Felicitari!!!! De altfel nici nu ma mir la cat ai tot lucrat 🙂

      get colder =a se face frig
      get colder and colder = a se face din ce in ce mai frig

  2. Buna, Madalina!
    Raspund mai jos:

    1. I got bored while I was waiting for him.
    2. My cat can’t get used to walking on so much snow.
    3. Donna got dressed and got out an hour ago.
    4. I am so happy you’re getting married this year.
    5. This month is getting colder and colder outside.
    6. These days, being able to speak a foreign language became more and more important.
    7. Look how many gifts got my daughter yesterday.
    8. Don’t get me wrong, I want only what’s best for you!
    9. He takes care of himself because he doesn’t want to get any cold.
    10. Can you get another glass, please?

    Toate cele bune!

    • Buna, Antoaneta! E foarte bine, doar avem cateva chestii de indreptat:

      5 trebuie subiect in fata lui “is”
      6 – nu e ok timpul pentru ca nu e vorba de un moment exact anume din trecut
      7. “my daughter” e subiect si trebuie in fata verbului

  3. 1. I got borred while I was waiting for him.

    2. My cat can t get accustomed walking in the snow.

    3. Donna got dressed and got out a hour ago.

    4. I m so happy you are getting married this year !

    5. This month is getting colder outside.

    6. Nowadays, to be able to speak a foreign language has got more an more important.

    7. Look how many presents got my daughter !

    8. Don t get me wrong, I only want the best for you !

    9. He takes care from himself because he doesn t get any sick.

    10. Can you go to get another glass, please?

    • E bine, doar mai avem cateva chestii de indreptat.
      2. accustomed TO – daca vrei asa, sau cum am spus in video – get used to walking
      5. ne trebuie subiect in fata lui “is”
      7. “my daughter” e subiect si trebuie in fata verbului
      9. take care OF, plus ca nu avem “vrea” exprimat, iar “sick” e “bolnav”


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