TAKE – expresii simple


a). washing

  • take a bath
  • take a shower

You can’t talk to Tom now, he’s just taking a bath.

After they played football, they took a shower.

b). resting

  • take a day off
  • take a holiday,
  • take a rest

Toate se pot si cu “have”!

He was so exausted that he had to take a day off.

We took a wonderful holiday in Monte Carlo last summer.

Poor her, she should take a rest… at least when she gets home.

c).  expressions

  • take a photo
  • take care of
  • take a decision (mult mai putin folosit decat make a decision)
  • take turns (in something / at doing smth.)
  • take a chance

It is polite to take turns at washing the dishes.

Why don’t you take a chance?

You should take your own decisions.

Whenever I go on holidays, I take lots of photos.

We ought to take care of our parents.

d). with nouns formed from verbs

  • take a swim (have a swim)
  • take a bite
  • take hold
  • take a drink (mai putin folosit ca “have a drink”)
  • take a look (a se uita cu atentie) (mai folosit ca “have a look”)

Why don’t you want to take a bite of this cake?

I’m so sorry, I can’t drink anything. I have just taken a drink with my friend.

Take hold of your future and do something with your life! (ia-ti viitorul in maini..)

Wow! You should take a look at this!

Tradu urmatoarele propozitii, folosind ce ai invatat in videoclip:

  1. Uita-te la titluri, s-ar putea sa te intereseze! (titluri in ziar)
  2. Cavalerul a apucat sabia si a inceput sa se lupte.
  3. Cei doi prieteni s-au oprit sa ia ceva de baut impreuna.
  4. Eram pe cale sa inotam cand a sunat ea.
  5. Si-a incercat norocul anul trecut, iar acum are unul din cele mai apreciate localuri.
  6. Cate poze ai facut pana acum?
  7. Cei doi frati fac cu randul la/in spital.
  8. Am de gand sa-mi iau o zi libera cat de curand posibil.
  9. Odihneste-te !  Arati foarte palida.



12 thoughts on “TAKE – expresii simple”

  1. Bună Mădălina. Am o nelămurire. Am citit ca se folosește WOULD la toate persoanele și nu SHOULD. Acum observ că tu folosești pentru persoana I singular și plural. De fapt care este tendința/adevărul din punct de vedere gramatical.

    • Buna.
      SHOULD inseamna “ar trebui” si se foloseste la toate persoanele.
      We should learn. Ar trebui sa invatam.
      They should learn. Ar trebui sa invete.

      WOULD este echivalentul lui “as/ar/am/ati” din romana.
      I would like soome chocolate. As vrea/ Mi-ar placea niste ciocolata.
      They would learn, but they can’t. Ar vrea sa invete, dar nu pot.

  2. Ce ai folosit tu aici cu “had stopped” este Past Perfect Simple si nu Present Perfect Simple.
    N-am folosit acest timp pentru ca este o propozitie scoasa din context si nu ai de unde sa stii ca se mai poate repeta actiunea. Poate fi un context trecut, intr-un timp incheiat, iar prin folosirea lui Past Simple vorbitorul chiar asta a transmis.

  3. Nu am inteles de ce la intrebarea 3 nu s-a folosit prezentul perfect simplu. Timpul nu este specificat si mai mult de atat mai pot repeta actiunea.
    (3. The two friends had stopped to take a drink togheter.)

  4. 1. Take a look at titles, it might interest you.
    2. The knight took the sword and he started to fight.
    3. The two friends had stopped to take a drink togheter.
    4. We were going to take a swim when she called.
    5. It took his chance last year, now it has one of the best places.
    6. How many pictures did you take until now?
    7. The two brothers take turns at hospital.
    8. I’m going to take a day off soon as possible.
    9. Take a rest! You look very pale.

  5. 1.Look at the titles you maybe interested jump(headines).
    2.Knight grabbed his sword and began to fight.
    3.Two friends stopped to take a drink together.
    4,I was about to take a swim when the called har.
    5,he took a chance last year,and now he has one of the most successful.
    6,How many pictures did you take before?
    7,Two brothers take turns to hspital.
    8,I am going to take a day off as soon possible.
    9,Take a rest ! you look very pale.

  6. 1. Take a look at titles, it might interest you.
    2. The knight took hold the sword and started to fight.
    3. The two friends stopped to take a drink together.
    4. We were about to take a swim when she called.
    5. He took a chance last year, and now he has one of the most successful restaurants.
    6. How many photos have you taken so far/until now?
    7. The two brothers take turns in/at hospital.
    8. I’m going to take a day off as soon as possible.
    9. Take a rest! You look very pale.

  7. 26 noiembrie 2012 la 11:25

    1.Take a look at headlines, it could be interested you.
    2.The Knight took hold the sword and he has started to fight.
    3.The two friends stopped to take a drink together.
    4.we were going to take a swim when she called.
    5.Last year, he/she took a chance and now, he/she has one of the
    most appreciated pubs.
    6.How many photos have you taken by now?
    7.The two brothers take turns in the hospital.
    8.I’m going to take a day off as soon as possible.
    9.Take a rest! Yoy look very pale.

    ROVictor raspuns

  8. 1. Take a look at the titles, it might interest you.
    2. The knight took hlod the sword and he started to fight.
    3. The two friends stopped to take a drink together.
    4. We intending to take a swim, when she called.
    5. She took a chance last year, and now she has one of the most appreciatte pubs.
    6. Haow many photos did you took by now?
    7. The two brothers take turns at hospital.
    8. I’m going to take a day off as soon as possible.
    9. Take a rest! You look very pale.

  9. 1.Take a look at headlines,it may (might) interest you.
    2.The knight has taken hold the sword and he has started to fight.
    3.The ones two friends stopped to take some drink together.
    4. We were on the point of swimming when she called.
    5. Last year ,he took a chance and he has one of the most appreciated locals.
    6.How many photos have you taken,so far ?
    7.The ones two brother takes turns in the hospital.
    8.I’m going to take a day off as soon as possible.
    9. Take a rest!You look very pale.


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