
Tradu in engleza:

1. Supermarketurile au mii de articole pe rafturile lor.

2. Uneori nu este suficient spatiu pe culoarele din supermarket pentru atat de multe carucioare.

3. Ce avem nevoie sa cumparam de la raionul de produse lactate? Frisca e suficient?

4. Vecinii mei cumpara mezeluri de la vitrina de produse proaspete doar.

5. Trebuie sa merg la raionul patru, la igiena. Sotia tocmai m-a sunat sa-mi aminteasca sa iau ceva pentru toaleta.

6. “Unde pot sa gasesc untul?” “Este la produse lactate, in spatele magazinului.”

7. Imi pare rau, nu mai tinem cirese la conserva de la aceasta marca. Au avut ceva probleme la controlul calitatii.

8. Aveti ceva biscuiti cu ciocolata la reducere? As vrea sa cumpar cateva pachete.

9. De cate doze si conserve ai zis ca avem nevoie?

10. Am cateva articole pe lista mea de cuparaturi: doua paini, o caserola cu inghetata de vanilie, cateva conserve de ton, un borcan cu dulceata pentru clatite si o sticla cu apa.

Vezi rezolvarea in videoclipul de mai jos:

12 thoughts on “Supermarket”

  1. 1.Supermarkets have thousand of items on their shelves.
    1.Sometimes there isn’t enough space on the supermarkets’ aisles for so many trolleys.
    3.What do we need to buy from diary section?Is the whipped cream enough?
    4.My neighbours buy cold meat only from deli section.
    5.I have to go to aisle 4, hygiene section.My wife has just phoned me to remind me to get something for the toilet.
    6.Where can I find the butter? It is at diary section behind the shop.
    7.I’m sorry, we don’t carry canned cheeries from this brand.They have had some problems with quality control.
    8.Do you have any chocolate biscuits on sale?I’d like to buy a few packets.
    9.How many cans and tins did you say we need?
    10.I have some items on my shopping list: two loaves of bread, one tub of vanilla icecream, a few canned tuna, one jar with pancake jam and a botlle of water.

    • Felicitari, Alina! Foarte bine tot vocabularul specific!
      Hai sa iti explic doar alegerea unui cuvant:
      6 – behind = la spatele, adica dupa magazin, in exterior; at the back = in spatele magazinului (adica inauntru)

  2. Buna Madalina,

    1 Supermarketurile au mii de articole pe rafturile lor.
    Supermarkets have thousands of items on their shelves.
    2.Uneori nu este suficient spatiu pe culoarele din supermarket pentru atat de multe carucioare.
    Sometimes , there is not enough space in(on) the aisles of the supermarket for so many carts.
    3.Ce avem nevoie sa cumparam de la raionul de produse lactate? Frisca e suficient?
    What do we need to buy from the dairy section ? Is the (whipped) cream enough?
    4. Vecinii mei cumpara mezeluri de la vitrina de produse proaspete doar.
    My neighbors buy cold meat from the fresh counter only.
    5.Trebuie sa merg la raionul patru, la igiena. Sotia tocmai m-a sunat sa-mi aminteasca sa iau ceva pentru toaleta.
    I have to go to aisle 4, to hygiene section.My wife has just called me to remind me to get ( buy) something for the toilet.
    6.“Unde pot sa gasesc untul?” “Este la produse lactate, in spatele magazinului.”
    Where can I find the butter? It is at the dairy, behind the store.
    7. Imi pare rau, nu mai tinem cirese la conserva de la aceasta marca. Au avut ceva probleme la controlul calitatii.
    I’m sorry, we don’t carry canned cherries from this brand anymore. They had some problems with quality control.
    8.Aveti ceva biscuiti cu ciocolata la reducere? As vrea sa cumpar cateva pachete.
    Do you have any chocolate crackers on sale? I’d like to buy a few packages.
    9.De cate doze si conserve ai zis ca avem nevoie?
    How many tins and cans did you say we need?
    10.Am cateva articole pe lista mea de cumparaturi: doua paini, o caserola cu inghetata de vanilie, cateva conserve de ton, un borcan cu dulceata pentru clatite si o sticla cu apa.
    I have a few items on my shopping list/; two loaves of bread, a tube of vanilla ice cream , a few cans of tuna, a jar of jam for pancakes and a bottle of water.

    O seara frumoasa!


    • Felicitari, Ramona! Excelent!

      Doar la 8 avem PACKETS of biscuits (package e pentru un colet, pentru ceva ce ambalezi) si la 10 – a TUB of vanilla icecream (tube=tub, teava, conducta)

  3. 1. Supermarketurile au mii de articole pe rafturile lor.
    Supermarkets have thousands of items on their shelves.
    2. Uneori nu este suficient spatiu pe culoarele din supermarket pentru atat de multe carucioare.
    Sometimes, there is not enough space on the aisles of the supermarket for so many shopping carts /trolleys .
    3. Ce avem nevoie sa cumparam de la raionul de produse lactate? Frisca e suficient?
    What we need to buy from the dairy section? Is the whipped cream enough ?
    4. Vecinii mei cumpara mezeluri de la vitrina de produse proaspete doar.
    My neighbors buy cold meats from deli / fresh counter only.
    5. Trebuie sa merg la raionul patru, la igiena. Sotia tocmai m-a sunat sa-mi aminteasca sa iau ceva pentru toaleta.
    I have to go to aisle four , to hygiene . My wife just called to rememind me get something for the toilet.
    6. “Unde pot sa gasesc untul?” “Este la produse lactate, in spatele magazinului.”
    „Where can I find the butter?” „ It’s at the dairy , behind the store.
    7. Imi pare rau, nu mai tinem cirese la conserva de la aceasta marca. Au avut ceva probleme la controlul calitatii.
    I’sorry we don’t carry canned cherries from this brand. They had some problems with quality control.
    8. Aveti ceva biscuiti cu ciocolata la reducere? As vrea sa cumpar cateva pachete.
    Do you have any chocolate biscuits on sale? I’d like to buy a few packets.
    9. De cate doze si conserve ai zis ca avem nevoie?
    How many cans and tins did you say we needed?
    10. Am cateva articole pe lista mea de cumparaturi: doua paini, o caserola cu inghetata de vanilie, cateva conserve de ton, un borcan cu dulceata pentru clatite si o sticla cu apa.
    I have a few items on my shopping list : two loaves of bread, a tub with vanilla ice cream, a few tuna tins, a jar of pancakes jam and a bottle of water.

    • Felicitari, Cornelia! Tot vocabularul pentru supermarket este bine ales!

      Atentie la urmatoarele lucruri:

      3. schema de interogativ
      5. “rememind”? 🙂

      • Multumesc pentru tot!
        Greselile sunt din neatentie, dar tot greseli raman, trebuia sa mai arunc o privire inainte de a trimite e-mailul.

        Iti doresc o zi frumoasa!

  4. 1. Supermarkets have thounsand of items on their shelves.
    2. Sometimes, on the supermarket’s aisles there isn’t enough space for so many trolleys.
    3. What do we need to buy from dairy section?
    4. My neighbours buy cold meat only from fresh counter.
    5. I must to go in aisle four, to hygiene section. My wife has just called to remind me to buy something for the toilet.
    6.Where can I find the butter? There is in the dairy section, in the back of the store.
    7.I’m sorry, we don’t carry canned cherry of this brand anymore. They had some problems to quality control.
    8. Do you have some chocolate biscuits on sale? I’d like to buy a few packets
    9. How many cans and tins do you say we have need?
    10. I have some items on my shopping list: two loaves of bread, a tub of vanilla ice-cream, some canned tuna, a jar of jam for pancakes and a water bottle.

    • Felicitari, Flori, pentru ca ai muncit 🙂

      Alegerea cuvintelor si expresiilor specifice este corecta, avem alte cateva lucruri de lamurit:

      5. verbele modale nu au voie cu “to” pe langa ele => must go
      6. IT is (there is = este,exista), la noi se traduce (el – adica untul) este…
      9. a avea nevoie = to need (deci nu exista “have” need, de aceea avem WE NEED)

  5. 1.The supermarkets have thousands of items on their shelves.
    2.Sometimes isn t enough space on the aisles of the supermarket for so many trolleys.
    3.What do we need to buy from the dairy products ? Is whipped cream enough?
    4. My neighboroughs only buy the cold meats from fresh counter.
    5. I have to go to the section 4, to hygiene products. My wife have just called me to
    remember me to get something for toiletries.
    6. When can I find the butter ? This is at dairy products, behind the store
    7.I m sorry , we don t carry canned cherry anymore from this brand. We had some
    problems at quality control.
    8.Do you have some chocolate biscuits on sale? I would like to buy a few packets.
    9. How many cans and tins did you say we need ?
    10. I have some items on my shopping list: two leaves of bread, a tube of ice-cream, some tins, a jar of jam for pancakes and a bottle of water.

    Multumesc !

    • Felicitari, Sorin! Ca de obicei, te straduiesti mult sa lucrezi 🙂

      Vocabularul de supermarket e bine ales, cu o singura exceptie – la 3 este “dairy section”, fiind vorba de raionul unde se gasesc.
      “dairy products” = produse lactate

      Sa-ti mai spun cate ceva:

      1. fara “the” la “supermarkets” – cand vorbim in general, nu punem “the”
      2. there isn’t (ne trebuie subiect in fata lui “isn’t”)
      4 neighbours
      5 remind = a aminti cuiva despre ceva; remember = a-si aminti;
      toilet = toaleta
      6 where=unde; when = cand
      10 loaves of bread (leaves=frunze); tub of icecream (tube=tub, teava, conducta)


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