RUN – idioms

Asculta explicatia in videoclip:

Tradu propozitiile de mai jos, folosind ce ai invatat in videoclip:

1. După ce am studiat ore în șir, în cele din urmă am ramas fata energie și am decis să iau o pauză.

2. S-ar putea să fie dificil acum, dar pe termen lung, toată munca ta va da roade.

3. Pe termen scurt, trebuie să ne concentrăm pe îndeplinirea termenelor limită imediate.

4. Antreprenoriatul pare să se transmită în familie; ambii săi părinți sunt proprietari de afaceri de succes.

5. În timp ce mergeam prin oraș, am dat peste cineva pe care nu-l văzusem de ani de zile.

6. Investind în acțiuni riscante, a ales să își asume riscul de a pierde o parte semnificativă din economiile sale.

7. Cu atât de mult de făcut, mă îngrijorează că voi rămâne fără timp să finalizez toate sarcinile.

8. Ea este întotdeauna dispusă să faca un efort suplimentar ca sa fie sigura ca reuseste.

9. Au decis să cumpere o mașină de lux, dar cheltuielile lor extravagante i-au făcut să intre rapid în datorii.

10. Cu siguranță le-a oferit o competitie dificila prin performanța sa remarcabilă.

Vezi traducerea propozitiilor in videoclip:

6 thoughts on “RUN – idioms”

  1. Buna, Madalina! Bine ai revenit! 🙂 Iata si traducerea mea.

    1. After I have studied hours and hours, I finally ran out of steam and decided to take a break.
    2. It might be difficult now, but in the long run, all your work will give results.
    3. In the short run, we have to focus on meeting the immediate time frame.
    4. Entrepreneurship seems to run in the family; both his/her parents are successful business owners.
    5. While I was walking through the city, I ran into someone I haven’t seen him for years.
    6. Investing in risky stocks, he decided to run the risk of losing a significant part of his savings.
    7. With so much to do, I’m afraid I will run out of time without finalizing/completing all the tasks.
    8. She is always willing to run the extra mile in order make sure she succeeds.
    9. They decided to buy a luxury car, but their extravagant expenses made them to run/get into debt.
    10. Surely she/he gave them a run for their money through her/his remarkable performance .


    • Buna Antoaneta,
      Ca de obicei, te descurci minunat 🙂

      3. de regula se foloseste “deadline”
      5. “…pe care nu-l vazusem” este Past Perfect Simple (mai-mult-ca-perfectul din romana)
      9. dupa “make” nu punem “to”, la fel ca dupa modale

  2. 1.After I studied for hours and hours ,I finally ran out of steam and I decided to take a break.
    2.It might be difficult now,but in the long run all your work will pay off.
    3.In the short run we have to focuse to achieving the immediately deadlines.
    4.The entrepreneurship seems to run in the family ;both parents are successful business owners.
    5.While I was walking in the town,I ran into someone I didn’t see for years and years .
    6.By investing in risky shares ,he has chosen to run the risk of losing a significant part of his savings.
    7.With so much to do, I am concerned I will run out of time to finish all my tasks.
    8.She is always willing to run the extra mile to be sure that she succeeds.
    9.They have decided to buy a luxury car ,but their extravagant expenses quiqly run them into debs.
    10.Certainly ,he has given a difficult run for their’s money by his remarkable performance .

    • Foarte bine, Adina, doar cateva lucruri de indreptat:

      3. focus ON …IMMEDIATE deadlines (e adjectiv)
      5. “…pe care nu-l vazusem” este Past Perfect Simple (mai-mult-ca-perfectul din romana)
      9. ..made them run…adica “i-au facut sa…” si folosim Past Simple pentru ca ne referim la acel moment cand am decis sa luam masina
      10. “…gave them a run for their money with…” expresia e diferita de ce avem in romana si, ca atare, cam greu de dibuit 🙂

  3. 1. After I have studied many ours, in the end, I have run out of steam and I have decided to take a break.
    2. It might be difficult now, but in a long run, all your work will pay off.
    3. In the short term, we have to concentrate on fulfilling the immediate deadlines.
    4. The management seems to run in the family: both parents are owners of successful business.
    5. While I go out, I ran someone who I haven t seen in years.
    6. Investing in risky shares, he has chosen to run the risk to lose a significant part of his savings.
    7. With so much to do, I am worried I wil run out of time to finish all the tasks.
    8. She is always willing to run extra mile to be sure that she succeed.
    9. They have decided to buy a luxury car, but their extravagant expenses made quickly to run into debt.
    10. Certainly, he has gave a run for his money by his remarcable performance.

    • E bine, Sorin, doar nu te mai grabi 🙂

      1. As pune Past Simple pentru ca ma plaseaza intr-un moment – “dupa ce am studiat multe ore”
      2. THE long run
      3. In the short RUN…ca sa folosim expresiile cu “run” (dar merge si “term”)…expresia este “to meet the deadlines”
      5. Propozitia este “in timp ce mergeam prin oras”….tu ai zis “in timp ce ies”….”nu-l vazusem”=> Past Perfect
      6. …the risk OF losing…
      8…she succeedS
      9. Daca folosim “made”, e clar ca si la “decide” tot Past Simple e, ca e vorba de ce au facut inainte de a intra in datorii
      Dupa “make” nu folosim “to” => made them run into debt
      10. …gave THEM…ca sa ilustram “LE-a dat”


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