TAKE – phrasal verbs

TAKE – phrasal verbs

“I’m going to take up a business.”

“Business?! You…?!”

“Why not? Don’t let yourself taken in by what I’ve done so far!”

“Come on… you take after your grandpa… boastful…”

“Do you take me for a fool?”

“Of course not! You are a clever guy, but you have nothing to do with business! Anyway, what kind of business are you thinking about?”


“Mmm… I smell some connection with the fact that your girlfriend’s father took over the plane company.”

“Oh, I have no idea about that. He must have taken a lot of money out of his purse.”

“Do you still think his daughter will see you again?”

“I’m sure it has nothing to do with that! We took to each other the very first moment we saw each other…hmm…  your words make me feel really hot… I’ll take off my jacket…”

“Yeah, or you can just open the window and… take off…  :)”

“Funny… but I’m not going to take back what I’ve just said!”

  • take up
  • take in
  • take after
  • take (someone) for (something/someone else)
  • take over
  • take (something) out of
  • take to
  • take off
  • take back

Asculta traducerea si explicatia sensurilor acestora in videoclip,  apoi tradu urmatoarele propozitii folosind ceea ce ai ascultat, pentru a le exersa si retine.

  1. Ai promis! Asa ca nu retrage!
  2. Bietul de el… a fost pacalit de zambetul si ochii ei frumosi…
  3. Scote-ti papucii si fugi repede dupa zmeu! Tocmai si-a luat zborul.
  4. Arati asa de plictisit si sunt atatea de facut… ar trebuie sa te apuci de ceva!
  5. Imi amintesc ca eu si colega mea de banca ne-am atasat una de alta imediat.
  6. Barbatul l-a lovit pe fratele meu pentru ca l-a confundat cu unul dintre jucatori / l-a luat drept unul dintre jucatori.
  7. Unii copii isi mostenesc parintii, altii nu.
  8. A trebuit sa-mi scot totul din geanta pentru ca n-am putut gasi cheia.
  9. Nu cred ca extraterestrii sau alte creaturi vor prelua planeta noastra… e doar o gluma.


6 thoughts on “TAKE – phrasal verbs”

  1. 1. You’ve promised! So don’t take it back!
    2. Poor him… he was taken in by her smile and her beautiful eyes…
    3. Take off your shoes and run quickly after the kite! It has just taken off.
    4. You look so bored and there are many things to do… you should take up of something.
    5. I remember that me and my deskmate took to each other at once.
    6. The man hit my brother because he took him for one of the players.
    7. Some children take after their parents, others not.
    8. I had to take everything out of my purse because I couldn’t find my key.
    9. I don’t think that aliens or other creatures will take over our planet… it’s just a joke.

  2. ROVictor

    10 decembrie 2012 la 21:40
    1.You’ve promised! So,don’t take it back!
    2.Poor of him…he has taken in by her smile and beautiful eyes…
    3.Take off your shoes and run quickly to get the kite!It has just
    taken off.
    4.You look so bored and there are so much to do…you should take up
    5.I remember I and my deskmate girl took to each other at once.
    6.The man struck my brother because he took him for one of the players.
    7.Some children take after their parents, others don’t.
    8.I had to take everything out of my purse because I couldn’t find
    my key.
    9.I don’t believe the aliens or other creatures are going to take
    over our planet…it’s only a joke.

  3. 1 You promise.So,you do not take back!
    2 Poor him…he was take in of her smile and beautiful eyes.
    3 Take off your shoes and run quickly after the kite.It have just taken off.It have just flown.
    4 You look so bored there are so many thinks to do….you should take up something!
    5 I remember that me and my colleague bank took each other at once.
    6 The man hit my brother because he took him for one of players.
    7 Some children take after their parents,others no.
    8 I had to take everything out of my handbag because I could not find the key.
    9 I do not think that the aliens or the other creatures will take over our planet.It is just a joke.

  4. 1)You’ve promised!So,don’t take back! 2) Poor fellow…..he was taken in by her smile and beautiful eyes! 3) Take off your slippers and run quickly after the paper kite!It has just taken off(from the ground). 4)You look so bored and there are so many(things) to do…..you should take up of something! 5)I remember that me and my deskmate girl took to each other at once.6)The man struck my brother because he took him for one of the players. 7)Some children take after their parents, others,not(nay). 8)I had to take out everything of my purse because I couldn’t find the key. 9)I don’t believe the aliens or the other creatures are going to take over our planet…….it’s only a joke 🙂 O IARNA MINUNATA ITI DORESC,MADALINA!

  5. 1.You promised!So,don’t take it back!
    2.Poor him…he’s taken in by her smile and her beautiful eyes…
    3.Take off your shoes and run after the kite.It has just taken off..!
    4.You look so bored and there so much to do…you should take up for something!
    5.I remembered that me and my former deskmate took to each other at once.
    6.The man struck my brother because he took him for one of the players.
    7.Some of the children take after their parents, others don’t.
    8.I had to take all out of my bag because I couldn’t find the key.
    9.I don’t believe the aliens or other creatures will take over our planet…it’s just o joke.

  6. Thank you for your explanations!
    1. You ensure. So, you don’t take back!
    2. Poor of him… he was takes in of her smile and hers beautiful eyes.
    3. Take off your shoes and run quickly after the kite! It has just took of the fly.
    4. You look so bored and there are so much to do… you should take up of something!
    5. I remembered that me and my colleague bank took to each other at once.
    6. The man struck of my brother because he took him for one of the players.
    7. Some of the children took after their parents, others no.
    8. I had to take out everything of my purse because I shouldn’t find the key.
    9. I don’t believe that the extra-terrrestrials or the others creatures will take over our planet…. it’s just a joke.


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