Tradu in limba engleza, folosind ce ai vazut in videoclip:
- După întâlnire, managerul echipei a revizuit punctele de acțiune din punct de vedere al importanței.
- Eram în întârziere și trebuia să muncim mai mult pentru a recupera timpul pierdut.
- La finalul anului, fiecare companie are nevoie sa faca planificare anticipata pentru anul urmator.
- Hai sa ne apucam de treaba si sa vedem prezentarea!
- Clientul a avut nevoie de aplicație în doar cinci zile, așa că a trebuit cu toții să ne apucam serios si s-o facem.
- Noii membri ai personalului trec printr-o curbă de învățare în timp ce își cunosc noul loc de muncă.
- Compania de asigurări a dat faliment pentru că a investit în niște fonduri inutile.
- E nevoie de o gramada de bani ca sa preiei o companie.
- E obligatoriu ca angajatii sa faca un curs de engleza.
1.After the meeting, the team manager reviewed the action points in terms of importance.
2.We were behind schedule and we had to work harder to recover the lost time.
3.At the end of the year, each company needs to do forward planning for the next year.
4.Let’s get down to business and see the presentation!
5.The client needed the application in just five days, so we all had to knuckle down and do it.
6.New staff members go through a learning curve while they get to know their new job.
7.The insurance company went banckrupt because it invested in dead wood funds.
8.It takes a lot of money to take over a company.
9.It is mandatory for employees to take an English course.
Liliana draga, e perfect 🙂 Deci nu am ce sa comentez, totul e corect. Poti si tu sa-i inveti pe altii engleza 🙂
1.After the meeting,the team manager reviewed the action point in terms of importance.
2.We were behind schedule and had to work more to recover the lost time.
3.At the end of the year,each company needs to do forward planning for next year.
4.Let’s get down to business and see the presentation!
5.The client needed the application in just 5 days,so we all had to knuckle down and do it.
6.The new staff go through a learning curve while they know their new job.
7.The insurance company went bankrupt because invested in dead wood funds.
8.It needs a lot of money to take over a company.
9.It’s mandatory that employees to take an English course.
Cred ca la tine este prima postare, bine ai venit si felicitari!
Expresiile sunt folosite corect, ceea ce facea obiectul acestei lectii, doar ca la 7 lipseste subiectul din fata lui “invested”, la 8 vei vedea in clipul cu rezolvarile cum construim propozitia, iar la 9 este fara “to”.
1.After the meeting team manager reviewed the action points from the point of view of importance.
2. We were behind schendule and we had to work harder to recover the lost time.
3. At the end of the year each company needs to do forward planning for next year.
4. Let s go down to business and see the presentation !
5. The client needed the application only in five days, so all of us had to knuckle down and do it.
6. New staff pass through a learning curve while they know their new job.
7. The insurance company went bankrupt because it has invested in some dead wood.
8. It needs a lot of money to take over a company.
9. it s mandatory the employees to take an English course.
Bine, Sorin 🙂 Felicitari pentru traduceri… ar mai fi cate o precizare pe ici-pe colo (7, 8, 9), o sa vezi in rezolvari, dar expresiile sunt toate la locul lor si puse bine… felicitari pentru evolutia ta remarcabila!!
1. After the meeting, the manger reviewed the action points in terms of importance.
2. We fell behind schedule and we had to work more to recover the lost time.
3. At the end of the year, each company needs to do forward planning.
4. Let’s get down work and see the presentation.
5. The client needed the application just in five days, so we all had to knuckle down and do it.
6. The new staff go through a learning curve as they get to know their new job.
7. The insurance company went bankrupt because it has invested in some dead wood.
8. You need a lot of money to take over a company.
9. It is mandatory that the employees take an English course.
Felicitari, Cerasela, e foarte bine!
Cateva observatii doar:
4. ai nevoie de “to”…get down TO work/business
7. “invested” – Past Simple, daca punem “went bankrupt”, adica tot Past Simple, avem nevoie de acelasi timp care se refera la o actiune trecuta, care nu mai are legatura cu prezentul.
….dead wood FUNDS