Expresii 3

Tradu in engleza folosind expresiile din videoclip:

  1. Bine ai venit in compania noastra! Eu sunt Ana si mi-ar placea sa-ti arat cum merg treburile pe aici.
  2. Toate companiile se luptă să se păstreze cel puțin cu un pas înaintea competitiei.
  3. Ia ceva timp sa inveti sa faci lucrurile.
  4. Oricine și-ar dori să lucreze într-un job la mintea cocosului și să primeasca mulți bani.
  5. Noul lor serviciu nu a început deloc cu dreptul, a primit deja multe recenzii negative.
  6. Voi pune acest proiect in asteptare până voi putea termina ceea ce am început deja.
  7. Sunteți de acord cu managerul de resurse umane în ceea ce privește oamenii pe care trebuie să îi angajăm?
  8. Functionarii sunt, de asemenea, obișnuiți să lucreze și să ia decizii în mod individual.

Vezi rezolvarea in videoclip:

6 thoughts on “Expresii 3”

  1. 1.Welcome to our company! I am Ana and I would like to show you the ropes here.
    2.All companies are struggling to keep up with at least one step ahead of the pack.
    3.It takes some time to learn the ropes.
    4.Anyone would like to work in a no-brainer job and get a lot of money.
    5.Their new service didn’t get off to a flying start at all; it already received many negative reviews.
    6.I’ll put this project on the back burner until I can finish what I’ve already started.
    7.Are you in agreement with the HR manager regarding the blue collars we have to hire?
    8.White collars are also used to working and taking decisions, individually.

    • Felicitari Liliana!! Vocabularul foarte ok, bine traduse propozitiile, nu am ce sa spun… un singur lucru ti-a scapat: la 5 avem un Present Perfect la “already” 🙂

  2. Buna,Madalina,

    1. Welcome to our company! I am Ana and I would like to show you the ropes here.
    2. All companies struggle to keep at least ahead of the pack.
    3. It takes some time to learn the ropes.
    4. Anyone would like to have a no-brainer job and get a lot of money.
    5. Their new job did not get off to a flying start, it has already got many bad reviews.
    6. I will put this project on the back burner until I can finish what I have already started.
    7. Do you agree with the HR manager regarding the blue collars we need to hire?/about who to hire?
    8. White collars are also, used to working and making decisions individually.

    Zi faina!

    • Super, Ramona! Ca de obicei 🙂

      2. … one step ahead = un pas inainte
      7. prima varianta e ok; daca o vrei pe a doua punem “whom” = pe care referitor la un complement 🙂

  3. 1. Welcome in our company ! I m Ana and I would like to show you the ropes here.
    2. All companies struggle to keep at least ahead of the pack.
    3.It takes long to learn the ropes.
    4.Anyone would like to work in a job a no-brainer and got a lot of money.
    5.New job didn t get off to a flying start, he received many bad reviews.
    6.I will put this project on the back burner until I will be able to finish what I started.
    7. Do you agree with HR manager in terms the blue collars who have to hire them?
    8. The white collars are, also, used to work and make decisions individually.

    • Bine, Sorin! Felicitari pentru munca!
      Expresiile sunt ok, dar avem ceva ajustari gramaticale:

      2. one step ahead….
      4. … no-brainer job (no-brainer este adjectiv pentru job)…. and get = sa obtina
      5. Their new service (serviciu ca si prestare de servicii)…dar oricum nu putem pune “he” pentru ca nu e vorba de o persoana, plus Present Perfect, nu ne referim la un moment anume din trecut
      6. … until I can (pentru ca nu avem voie cu viitor intr-o propozitie secundara care raspunde la intrebarea “cand“)…+ Present Perfect (nu avem o referire fata de un moment anume din trecut)
      7… in terms OF the blue collars (that) WE have to hire (NOI trebuie sa ii angajam)
      8. are used to working and making… (be used to + V-ing = a fi obisnuit sa)


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