Tradu in engleza folosind ce ai invatat in videoclip:

1. Ce mai fac parintii tai?

2. Câți ani a lucrat înainte de a se pensiona?

3. De cât timp lucrează pentru proiect?

4. Câți ani are această clădire?

5. De cât timp ai nevoie pentru asta?

6. De câte ori a vorbit astăzi cu prietena lui?

7. Cât ai plătit pentru vacanța de anul trecut?

8. Cum de poți să vezi uneori luna în timpul zilei?

9. Cum iti poti imbunatati abilitățile de comunicare în mod eficient?

10. Cat de mulțumit ești de jobul tău curent?

11. Cat de repede s-a putut adapta la noua situatie?

12. Cum ar fi să învățăm împreună engleza?

13. Cât timp îi ia bucătarului să gătească pentru două persoane?

Vezi traducerea in videoclip:

13 thoughts on “HOW”

  1. Bună Mădălina,

    Te rog sa îmi spui când se folosește ” how long ” și “how much time”.

    Și în propoziția: ” how many times have I told you…” nu înțeleg de ce apare ” have”.


    • Buna Flori,

      Cele doua sunt sinonime, doar ca “how long” este mult mai comun.

      “have” vine de la timpul Present Perfect Simple care trebuie folosit in propozitie.

      • Mulțumesc!

        Și da…mi-am amintit a spune= to tell /told/told și la Present Perfect este format cu “to have” la prezent +V la forma a treia.

  2. 1. How are your parents?
    2. How many years did he/she worked before he/she had retired?
    3. How long has he/she been working for the project?
    4. How old is this building?
    5. How much time do you need for this?
    6. How many times has he talked wuth his girfriend today.
    7. How much did you pay for your holiday last year?
    8. How come you can sometimes see the Moon during the day?
    9. How come you can improve your comunication skills efectivele?
    10. How pleased are you with your current game?
    11.How quickly could he adapt to the new situation?
    12. How about learning English togheter?
    13.How long does it take the chef to Cook for two people?

    • Foarte bine, Petra! Felicitari!

      9 – “Cum iti poti imbunatati…”, nu e “cum se face ca iti poti imbunatati…”
      10 – job, nu joc 🙂

  3. Buna, Madalina!
    Acestea sunt raspunsurile mele:
    1. How are your parents?
    2. How many years has she worked before retiring?
    3. How long has she been working for the project?
    4. How old is this building?
    5. How much time do you need for this?
    6. How many times have you spoken with his girlfriend today?
    7. How much was the holiday from last year?
    8. How come you sometimes can see the Moon during the day?
    9. How can you improve your communication skills efficiently?
    10. How satisfied are you about your current job?
    11. How fast could she adapt to the new situation?
    12. How about learning English together?
    13. How long does it take the chef to cook for two people?

    Multumesc! O saptamana buna!

    • Buna, Antoaneta!
      Foarte bune propozitiile! Foarte, foarte putin am de comentat 🙂

      2. …a lucrat INAINTE sa iasa la pensie, deci a iesit la pensie, oare mai are legatura cu prezentul?
      7 – “from” arata provenienta, de unde vine cineva/ceva, deci “from” nu e prea nimerit aici
      8 – sometimes se pune intr-adevar in fata verbelor, dar cu exceptia verbelor modale (can, could, must, should…) si a verbului “to be”, cand sta dupa ele.

  4. 1. How are your parents?
    2. How many years did he work before retiring?
    3. How long has he been working on the project?
    4. How old is this building?
    5. How much time do you need for this?
    6. How many times has he talked to his girlfriend today?
    7. How much did you pay for last year’s vacation?
    8. How come you can sometimes see the moon during the day?
    9. How can you improve your communication skills effectively?
    10. How satisfied are you with the current job?
    11. How quickly could he adapt to the new situation?
    12. How about learning English together?
    13. How much time does it take the chef to cook for two?

  5. 1.How are your parents?
    2.How many years did he work before retire?
    3.How long is he working for the project?
    4.How old is this building ?
    5.How much time do you need for this ?
    6.How many times is he speaking with his friend today?
    7.How much did you pay for the last year holiday?
    8.How come you can sometimes see the Moon durind the day ?
    9.How can you improve your communication skills efficiently ?
    10.How satisfied are you about your cuurent job ?
    11.How fast he has been adapted to this new situation?
    12.How about learning English together ?
    13.How long does it take to the cook to cooking for two persons ?

    • Avand in vedere cat de la inceput esti, e foarte ok! Toate intrebarile cu “how” sunt incepute bine si expresiile la locul lor. Singura problema e de gramatica 🙂

      2 – in fata fiecarui verb avem un subiect, deci si inainte de “retire”, plus ca trebuie sa vedem la ce forma il punem
      3 – cand intrebam “de cat timp face …”, avem Present Perfect Continuous
      6. ce ai scris e diferit fata de ce trebuie tradus – de cate ori VORBESTE…noi avem A VORBIT
      11 – ai zis ” a fost adaptat…” in loc de “s-a putut adapta
      13 – de ce cooking? Conform carei reguli? 🙂

  6. 1. How are your parents ?
    2. How many years has he worked before retiring ?
    3. How long has he been working for project ?
    4. How old is this building ?
    5. How much time do you need for this ?
    6. How many times has he talked with his girlfriend today?
    7. How much did you pay for the last year vacation s ?
    8. How can you see the moon during the day?
    9. How can improve your communication skills efficiently ?
    10. How satisfied are you with your current job ?
    11 How fast could he adapted at the new situation ?
    12. How about learning together english ?
    13. How long does it take chef to cook for two people?

    • Felicitari! E foarte bine chiar si din punct de vedere al timpurilor, ai o singura greseala cu Present Perfect, ceea ce e o mare realizare pentru tine 🙂

      2. …a lucrat INAINTE sa iasa la pensie, deci a iesit la pensie, oare mai are legatura cu prezentul?
      8 – intrebarea nu e “cum anume poti”, ci “cum de poti” (cum se face ca poti)
      9 – nu avem subiect
      11 – s-a putut ADAPTA, nu “adaptat”, iar prepozitia este “adapt TO”
      12. English (ce anume) se pune imediat dupa verb


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