LOOK – idioms

  1. Este dificil să te faci că nu vezi cand cineva este tratat nedrept.
  2. Are noroc că are gene bune; chiar și la 60 de ani, nu arată vârsta lui.
  3. În ciuda provocărilor la locul de muncă, încerc întotdeauna să văd partea bună și să mă concentrez pe oportunitățile de creștere.
  4. Nu e mulțumită de locul de pe bilet. Ei bine, calul de dar nu se cauta niciodata când primești ceva!
  5. Ea simțea mereu că criticii de artă sofisticați privesc de sus picturile ei amatoare.
  6. Așteaptă cu nerăbdare să plece în Australia.
  7. Bătrânul înțelept i-a sfătuit pe tânărul său ucenic să se uite bine înainte de a face pasul în deciziile importante din viață.
  8. A venit la petrecere arătând de milioane în rochia ei și accesoriile ei elegante.

8 thoughts on “LOOK – idioms”

  1. Buna, Madalina!
    1. It is difficult to look the other way when you see that someone is treated unfair.
    2. He is lucky that he has good genes; even at 60 years old, he doesn’t look his age.
    3. Despite the challenges at work, I always try to see the bright side and concentrate on the growth opportunities.
    4. She isn’t happy with the seat on the ticket. Well, never look a gift horse in the mouth when you receive something.
    5. She has always felt that the sophisticated art critics look down their noise at her amateur paintings.
    6. She looks forward to going to Australia.
    7. The wise old man advised his young disciple to look carefully before he leaps into important life decisions.
    8. She came to party looking like a million dollars in her dress and her stylish accessories.

    • Buna, Antoaneta!
      Si felicitari pentru traducere, e foarte bine!

      1 – unfairly (adverb)
      2 – try to look on the bright side – daca e sa folosim expresia, dar e bine si ca tine
      6….”to leaving for Australia” (sa plece …) versus “to going to Australia” (sa mearga…)

  2. 1.It is difficult to look the other way when you see that somebody is treated unfairly.
    2.He is lucky to have good genes, even being in his sixties he doesn’t look his age .
    3.Despite the challanges at the work I always try to look on the bright side and to focus on the growth opportunities.
    4.She is not happy with the site on the ticket .Well, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth when you receive something.
    5.She was always feeling that sophisticated art critics look down their nose at her amateur pictures.
    6.She is looking forward to leaving for Australia .
    7.The wise old man have advised his young disciple to look before his leap for the important decisions in his life .
    8.She arrived at the party looking like a million dollars in his dress and her stylish accesories.

    • Felicitari, Adina! Foarte bine tradus! Doar cateva precizari, foarte putine:

      4 – seat (loc de stat)…you never look…
      7 – HAS advised….he leaped into important….
      8 – HER dress

  3. 1.It s difficult to look the other way when someone is treated unfairly.
    2. He is lucky because he has good genes, even 60 years old, he looks he s age.
    3. Despite the challenges at work place, I always to look on the bright side and focus on growth opportunities.
    4. She isn t satisfied with the seat on the ticket . Well, look a gift horse in the mouth when you get something !
    5. She have always felt that art critics look down your nose at her amateur pictures.
    6. She looks forward to going to Australia.
    7. The wise old man advised his young apprentice to look carefully before his leap in important decisions in his life.
    8. He have come to the party looking like a million dollars in her dress and elegant accesories.

    • Chiar felicitari, ai tradus foarte bine, desi erau destul de dificile!

      2 – …AT 60…
      4 -… NEVER look…
      5. She HAS….
      6….”to leaving for Australia” (sa plece…) versus “to going to Australia” (sa mearga…)
      7 …before leaping into / he leaped into
      8. He HAS…

  4. 1. It is difficult to look the other way when someone is treated unfairly.
    2. He is lucky to have good genes, even sixty ,he doesn’t look his age.
    3.Despite challenges in the workplace, I always try to look on the bright side and focus on the work opportunities.
    4. She isn’t satisfied with the seat on the ticket. Well, you never look a gift horse in the mouth when you receive something!
    5.She always felt that sophisticated art critics looked down their nose at her amateur pictures.
    6.He/She is looking forward to leaving for Australia.
    7.The wise old man advises his young disciple to look carefully before leaping into important life decisions.
    8. She came to the party looking like a million dollars in her dress and elegant accessories.

    • Super, Petra! Foarte bine! Toate expresiile sunt la locul lor si traduse cum trebuie.
      Doar cateva chestii mici:

      2… AT 60..
      3 …opportunities for growth
      4. has always felt
      7 – (has) advised


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