Folosind expresiile din videoclip, tradu in engleza urmatoarele propozitii:

1.Exista o cale de a face bani usori online?

2.Bancile imprumuta banii pe care noi ii luam cu imprumut.

3.Nu-mi transfera mai mult decat am nevoie sa retrag!

4.Cand castigi putini bani, e dificil sa pui ceva deoparte sau sa economisesti o suma mare.

5.Sunt bani castigati cu greu pentru oamenii care lucreaza intr-o mina.

6.Nu-ti irosi banii de buzunar,  mai bine sa ii investesti!

7.Cati bani le datoreaza ea?

8.A fost gasit vinovat de spalare de bani.

Vezi rezolvarea in videoclip:

18 thoughts on “MONEY”

  1. 1 Is there a way to make money online?
    2 Banks lend us money that we borrow.
    3 Don’t transfer me more than I need to withdraw!
    4 When you earn little money, it’s difficult to put something aside or save a large amount.
    5 It is hard-earned money for the people who work in a mine.
    6 Don’t waste your pocket money, you better invest it!
    7 How much money does she own?
    8 He was guilty of money laundering.

      • La 8 era ok asa cum scrisesei, fara convicted = condamnat

        Sigur, nu stim cand, am putea pune si Present Perfect Simple, asa e, dar si Past Simple daca stim acel moment exact din trecut.

        Felicitari pentru rezolvari!

  2. 1.Is there a way to make money online?
    2.Banks lend the money that we borrow.
    3.Don’t transfer me more than I need to withdraw!
    4.When you earn little money, it’s difficult to put something aside or save a large amount.
    5.It is hard-earned money for the people who work in a mine.
    6.Don’t waste your pocket money, you better invest it!
    7.How much money does she owe them?
    8.He was found guilty of money laundering.

  3. 1. Is there a way to make money online?
    2. The Banks land the money that we borrow.
    3. Don’t transfer me more money then I need to withdrow.
    4. When you earn few money, is difficult to put aside or to save a large amount of money.
    5. It’s hard-earned money for the people who work în a mine.
    6. Don’t waste your pocker money, it is better to Invest it.
    7. How much money does she owe them?
    8. He was found guilty of money laundering.

    • Bine, Petra! Doar la cateva chestii sa fii atenta!
      2. atentie cu “land” (a ateriza) si “lend” (a imprumuta) – se pronunta la fel, scrierea un putin diferita
      3. withdraw
      4. “money” este nenumarabil, deci nu poate fi pus cu “few”; apoi ne trebuie subiect in fata lui “is”

      • Va mulțumesc foarte mult pentru corectare. Mai am mult de învățat, dar ma străduiesc sa nu pierd nicio lecție.

        • Și încă ceva, as vrea sa va rog sa ne prezentați niște exerciții cu sequence of tenses.
          Când se poate, nu-i graba. Va mulțumesc frumos!

          • Aceasta ametitoare “sequence of tenses” 🙂 e de fapt o chestie de bun simt, care se rezuma in mare la un singur lucru: daca englezul vorbeste despre un eveniment trecut, atunci foloseste toate verbele la trecut – inclusiv viitorul trebuie sa stea “in trecut” 🙂 adica “would” in loc de “will”. La noi merge orice timp, la ei exista aceasta logica 🙂

  4. Buna Mada, asteptam corecturile, multam! 🙂
    Is there any way to produce online money?
    The banks lend money that we borrow.
    Don’t transfer me more than I can withdraw.
    When you earn less money, it’s difficult to put something aside or to save a big amount.
    They are hard earned money for the people which work in a mine.
    Don’t spend your pocket money, it’s better to invest them!
    How much money does she own them?
    He was found guilty for money laundering.

    • Buna, Ana, felicitari ca ti-ai facut timp sa lucrezi!

      1. “produce” nu e prea fericit ales, nu producem bani
      4. “less money” = mai putini bani, noi avem doar “putini”
      5. “money” nu e substantiv numarabil, dci nu poate fi inlocuit cu “they”; “people” este in general “people who” – who este pentru persoane
      6. la fel si “them” de aici, nu e pentru un substantiv nenumarabil

    • Bune precizari! Bine, Sorin!
      3. este un imperativ, iar in propozitiile imperative nu avem subiect 🙂 Stiu ca va tot bat la cap cu subiectele in fata verbelor, dar aici e singurul caz in care nu avem subiect.
      4. subiect in fata lui “is” 🙂 …apoi a large … consoana
      6 –’s better, ca sa avem subiect si verb…invest it…ca “money” e nenumarabil
      7 – “le” din “le datoreaza?

  5. 1. Is there a way to make money ?
    2. The banks lend money that we borrwed.
    3. Don t you transfer me more money than I need to withdraw.
    4. When you earn little money is difficult to put aside or to save an large amount.
    5. This is hard – earn money for people who works in a mine.
    6. Don t waste your pocket money, better you invest them !
    7. How much money does she owe ?
    8. He was found guilty for money laundering.


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