• Miscare catre locul unde vorbitorul este in momentul discutiei

Can you bring me that plate?

John wanted me to bring some chairs to his house for the party.

We are asked to bring lots of books to school.


  • Miscare catre locul in care este obiectul/persoana si intoarcere in locul precizat

The children went opposite the street to fetch their grandparents to dinner.

Quickly! My grandma has fainted. We have to fetch the doctor!

The dog likes to fetch the ball.


  • Orice fel de miscare, catre orice loc

Can you take me to the airport tomorrow?

You should take more partners to the negotiations.

This trains takes you to London.

His attitude took her to insanity.

Acum incearca sa traduci si tu propozitiile de mai jos:

  1. Ati adus totul?
  2. Alice are de gand sa-si duca toate jucariile la bunicii ei.
  3. Eu o sa aduc fursecurile, ati putea voi aduce sampania?
  4. N-ar fi trebuit sa uiti hartiile, acum du-te si adu-le!
  5. Modul ei de a cheltui banii o va duce la faliment.
  6. Am impachetat cutia, dar nu avem banda de lipit aici… poti s-o aduci tu?


4 thoughts on “BRING – FETCH -TAKE”

  1. 1. Did you bring everything?
    2. Alice is going to take all her toys to her grandparents.
    3. I take the cookies could you bring the champagne?
    4. You should’t forget the papers, you fetch them now!
    5. How she is spending the money it will take her to bankruptcy.
    6. I packed the box but haven’t duct tape here, can you bring it?

  2. 1. Have you brought everything?
    2. Alice is going to bring all her toys at her grandparents.
    3. I have bring the cookies, can you bring the champagne?
    4.You shouldn’t forgive the papers, now you fetch them!
    5. Her way to spend money will take her to insolvency.
    6. I have packed the box but we haven’t had duct tape here, can/could fetch it?

  3. 1. Have you brought everything?
    2. Alice is going to bring all her toys to her grandparents.
    3. I’m going to fetch the cookies could you bring the champagne?
    4. You shouldn’t have forgoten the papers, go and fetch them now!
    5. The way she is spending money takes her to bankrupcy.
    6.We wrapped the box, but we don’t have duct tape could you fetch it?

  4. 1. Did you take everything?
    2. Alice is going to fetch all toys to her grandparents.
    3. I am going to take the cookies, could you bring the champagne?
    4. You shouldn’t forget the papers, you go and fetch them now!
    5. How she is spending money takes she to bankruptcy.
    6. We packed the box, but we don’t have duct tape…could you bring it?


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