Despite – In spite of – Although – Even though

Despite – In spite of – Although – Even though


+ substantiv / pronume

Despite the rain, we went for a walk.

In spite of the rain, we went for a walk.

In spite of you, she went for a walk with that man.


+ S + P…

Despite the fact that it was raining, we went for a walk.

In spite of the fact that it was raining, we went for a walk.


+ S + P…

Although it was raining, we went for a walk.

Though it was raining, we went for a walk.

EVEN THOUGH (forma un pic mai puternica decat “although”)

+ S + P…

Even though it was raining, we went for a walk.

EVEN THOUGH diferit de EVEN IF !!!

“even if” exprima o conditie  (presupunand ca – supposing that)

Even if it rained, we’d go for a walk.

  • “if” introduce o actiune ipotetica
  • “though” introduce un fapt

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Programul My English Patterns

Incearca sa traduci urmatoarele propozitii, folosind ce ai invatat in videoclip:

  1. In ciuda faptului ca are 80 de ani, el alearga in fiecare zi.
  2. Parintii lui l-au iertat in ciuda comportarii sale.
  3. Am carat eu toate plasele chiar daca el a mers cu mine.
  4. Desi eram sigura ca nu-l mai vazusem inainte, fata lui imi parea foarte familiara.
  5. Nu s-ar ingrasa chiar daca ar manca toate prajiturile din cofetarie.
  6. N-a putut sa faca nimic in ciuda tututor promisiunilor.

Rezolvarea propozitiilor propuse:

8 thoughts on “Despite – In spite of – Although – Even though”

    • Nu prea. E un context acolo, e legata de “chiar daca el a mers cu mine”, sunt 2 actiuni desfasurate in acelasi timp, nu e un fapt spus doar ca informare, ci un context.

  1. 1.Despite the fact than he has 80th years, he runs everday.
    2.His parents have forgiven him in spide of his befovior.
    3.I carried myself all bags even though he went whith me.
    4.Althouth, I was sure I had never seen him before,his face seemed very familiar to me.
    5.She wouldn’t fat even if ate all the cakes of cofeteria.
    6.She hasn’t been able to do anything despide all promises.

  2. 1. Despide the fact than he has 80th years, he runs everyday
    2.His parents forgot him in spide of his behovior.
    3. I carried myself all bags even though he went with me.
    4. Although she was sure that she hadn’t seen him before, his look like had seemed very familiary for me.
    5. He shouldn’t has gaimed even if , he shouldn’t at5e all cakes of cofectionery.
    He couldn’t do anything despide all promises.

  3. 1.Despite/in spite of the fact that he are 80 years old,he runs every day.
    2.His parents have forgiven him, despite/in spite of his behaviour.
    3.I carried all the bags, although/though he have gone with me.
    4. Although/though I was sure that I hadn’t seen him before, his face seemed very familiar to me.
    5. She wouldn’t fat even if she ate all the cakes of tea room( tuck shop).
    6. She couldn’t do anything despite/in spite of all her promises.

  4. În ciuda faptului ca are 80 de ani, el alearga in fiecare zi.

    Despite he is eighty years old, he runs every day.

    Parintii lui l-au iertat in ciuda comportarii sale.

    His parents have forgiven him in spite of his behaviour.


    His parents have forgiven him despite his behaviour.

    Am carat eu toate plasele chiar daca el a mers cu mine.

    I carried myself all the bags even though he went with me.

    Desi eram sigura ca nu-l mai vazusem inainte, fata lui imi parea foarte familiara.

    Although I was sure I hadn’t seen him before, his face seemed very familiar to me.
    Nu s-ar ingrasa chiar daca ar manca toate prajiturile din cofetarie.

    He wouldn’t put weight, even if he ate all the cakes of the confectionary.

    N-a putut sa faca nimic in ciuda tututor promisiunilor.

    He hasn’t been able to do anything despite all the promises.

    • Nu s-ar ingrasa chiar daca ar manca toate prajiturile din cofetarie.

      He wouldn’t put on weight, even if he ate all the cakes of the confectionary.

  5. 1) Despite(in spite of)the fact that he is eighty years old,he runs everyday(day-to-day). 2) His parents have forgiven him,in spite of(despite)his behavior. 3) I carried myself all the bags even though he went with me. 4) Although(though) I was sure I had never seen him before,his face seemed very familiar to me. 5) She wouldn’t get fat even if she ate all the cakes of confectionery. 6) He hasn’t been able to do anything,in spite of(despite)all the promises.


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