Tradu in engleza:

1. Vreau doar sa stau intins la soare, undeva pe o plaja, citind.

2. De ce l-ai mintit atunci?

3. Cand l-am gasit, zacea pe un scaun in gradina.

4. Cand e trista, aseaza-ti mana pe umarul ei si incurajeaz-o.

5. Se pune imediat praful pe mobila.

6. Toate gainile au ouat?

7. Au mintit cand au spus ca le pasa si au mintit si cu privire la rezultate.

8. Remediul impotriva ignorantei sta in inchiderea televizorului si cititul unei carti bune sau urmarirea unui documentar.

9. A asezat fetita pe pat si s-a intins langa ea.

10. Hai s-o ajutam! Deja a asezat fata de masa!

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10 thoughts on “LAY si LIE”

  1. 1. I just want to lie in the sun, somewhere on a beach, reading.
    2. Why did you lie to him then?
    3. When I found him, he was lying on a chair in the garden.
    4. When she is sad, lay your hand on her shoulder and encourage her.
    5. The dust lays on the furniture immediately.
    6. Did all the hens lay eggs?
    7. They lied when they said they care and they lied about the results.
    8. The remedy against the ignorance lies in turning off the TV and reading a good book or watching a documentary.
    9. She laid the little girl on the bed and she lain down beside her.
    10. Let’s help her! She has already laid the tablecloth.

    • Super, Liliana! Foarte bine!
      Doar cateva ajustari:

      5…lies (se pune UNDE)
      7 …cared (tot atunci, in trecut)
      9 …and she LAY (forma a doua, nu a treia)

  2. 1.I just want to lie in the sun somewhere on a beach, reading
    2.Why did you lie him then?
    3.When I found him , he was lying on a chair in the garden.
    4.When she is sad, you lay your hand on her shoulder and encourage her.
    5.The dust lays immediately on the furniture.
    6.Have all hens laid eggs?
    7.They lied when they said they cared and they lied about the results ,too.
    8.The remedy against ignorance lies in turning off the TV and reading a good book or watching a documentary
    9.She laid the little girl on the bed and she lay beside her.
    10.Let’s help her! She has already laid the tablecloth.

    • Felicitari, Alina! Foarte bine!

      2. lie TO (obligatorie prepozitia cand e vorba de a minti pe cineva)
      5. …lies (se pune UNDE)

  3. Buna Madalina,

    1. I just want to lie in the sun, somewhere on a beach, reading.
    2.Why did you lie to him then?
    3.When I found him, he was lying on a chair in the garden.
    4.When she is sad, lay your hand on her shoulder and encourage her.
    5.The dust instantly /immediately lays on the furniture.
    6.Did all the hens lay eggs?
    7.They lied when they said they care(d) and they lied about the results.
    8.The remedy against ignorance lies in turning off the TV and reading a good book or watching a documentary.
    9. He laid the little girl on the bed and he lay down next to her.
    10.Let’s help her! She has already laid the tablecloth.


    • Foarte bine, Ramona! Super!

      5….lies (se pune UNDE)
      7 – they cared, da, la trecut, toate sunt la trecut.

  4. 1.Vreau doar sa stau intins la soare, undeva pe o plaja, citind.
    I want to lie in the sun, somewhere on a beach, reading.
    2. De ce l-ai mintit atunci?
    Why did you lie then?
    3.Cand l-am gasit, zacea pe un scaun in gradina.
    When I have found him, he was lying on a chair in the garden.
    4.Cand e trista, aseaza-ti mana pe umarul ei si incurajeaz-o.
    When she is sad, laid your hand on her shoulder and encourage her.
    5.Se pune imediat praful pe mobila.
    The dust lays immediatly on the furniture.
    6.Toate gainile au ouat?
    Did all the hens lay eggs?
    7.Au mintit cand au spus ca le pasa si au mintit si cu privire la rezultate.
    They have lied when they said that they care and they have lied about results also.
    8.Remediul impotriva ignorantei sta in inchiderea televizorului si cititul unei carti bune sau urmarirea unui documentar.
    The cure against ignorance has laid in closing the TV and reading a good book or watching documentary.
    9.A asezat fetita pe pat si s-a intins langa ea.
    She has lain the girl on the bed and she has lain next to her.
    10.Hai s-o ajutam! Deja a asezat fata de masa !
    Let s help her ! She has already laid the tablecloth !

    • Felicitari pentru ca ai lucrat, Sorin! Asa invatam.
      Cateva ajustari:

      2. …lie TO HIM (adica sa se inteleeaga ca e un “l-/pe el”)
      5. lies (+ unde)
      7 – e buna alegerea verbului, dar avem o problema la timpuri, care toate trebuie sa fie la trecut pentru ca ne referim la trecut, trebuie sa vorbim din aceeasi perspectiva.
      8 – verbul bun, timpul mai putin 🙂
      9. ..laid the girl (de la lay + ce anume)

  5. 1. Vreau doar sa stau intins la soare, undeva pe o plaja, citind.
    I only/just want to lie in the sun , somewhere on a beach, reading.

    2. De ce l-ai mintit atunci?
    Why did you lie to him then?

    3. Cand l-am gasit, zacea pe un scaun in gradina.
    When I found him, he was lying on a chair in the garden.

    4. Cand e trista, aseaza-ti mana pe umarul ei si incurajeaz-o.
    When she is sad, lay your hand on her shoulder and encourage her.

    5. Se pune imediat praful pe mobila.
    The dust immediately lays on the furniture.

    6. Toate gainile au ouat?
    Did all the hens lay eggs? /

    7. Au mintit cand au spus ca le pasa si au mintit si cu privire la rezultate.
    They lied when they said they cared and they lied about the results

    8. Remediul impotriva ignorantei sta in inchiderea televizorului si cititul unei carti bune sau urmarirea unui documentar.
    The remedy against the ignorance lies to turn off TV and reading a good book or watching a documentary.

    9. A asezat fetita pe pat si s-a intins langa ea.
    She laid the little girl on the bed and she lay down next to her.

    10. Hai s-o ajutam! Deja a asezat fata de masa!
    Let’s help her! She has already laid the tablecloth.

    • Felicitari, Cornelia, foarte bine!

      5. lies 🙂 …se pune UNDE?
      8. lies IN turning (verbele precedate de propozitii au terminatie -ing), la fel cum le-ai pus pe celelalte verbe.


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