Implica intentia de a priviNu intentionezi, se intampla sa vezi, ochii tai detecteaza un obiect existentIntentionezi sa te uiti si chiar te uiti intens la ceva care se misca
Timp scurtTimp scurtTimp mai lung

She was looking at the clothes in the shop.

She saw a beautiful dress in the window.

She watched the other women who were looking at the clothes in the shop.

Look – comanda:

Look! It’s raining!

Look at the clouds, it’s going to rain!

See – a vizita:

I’m seeing my godparents in the afternoon.

You should see a doctor.

STARE – a se holba, a se uita fix (cu gura cascata)

Some people were staring at the man who was performing some stunts in the middle of the street.

GAZE – a privi lung si fix, de regula admirativ sau cu mirare

She gazed at the beautiful field full of flowers.

GLARE – a fulgera cu privirea; a straluci intens, orbitor, suparator (de regula conotatie negativa)

The pirate glared at him and threw him under the deck.

The sun glared, making him even thirstier.

Incearca sa traduci urmatoarele propozitii, folosind ce ai invatat in videoclip:

  1. Ti-s ochii rosii! De cat timp te uiti la televisor?
  2. Ai vazut-o cand era in spital? Arata teribil de palida.
  3. Copilul acesta clar va deveni astronom. Ii place sa se uite la stele ore intregi.
  4. S-a oprit in coltul strazii si s-a holbat la biletul castigator de loterie din mana mea.
  5. Uita-te la bucatile astea de sticla si plastic! A fost un accident aici.
  6. Tatal baiatului l-a fulgerat cu privirea cand i-a dat raspunsul acela obraznic.

    9 thoughts on “LOOK – SEE – WATCH…etc.”

    1. 1. Your eyes are red! How long have you been watching TV?
      2. Did you see her when she was at hospital? She looked terrible pale.
      3. This child will clearly become an astronomer. He likes gazing at stars for hours.
      4. He/She stopped at the street corner and stared at the winning lottery ticket in my hand.
      5. Look at these pieces of glass and plastic! It was an accident here.
      6. The boy’s father glared at him when he gave him that insolent answer.

    2. 1.Your eyes are red. How long are you watching at TV ?
      2.Did you see when she was in hospital ?
      She was looking terrible pale.
      3.This child will become astronomer, precise.
      4.She stopped in corner of street and she glared at the winer lottery tichet in my hand.
      5.Look at these pieces of glass and plastics. Here was an accident
      6.Boy’s father glared him when he answered naughty

    3. 1. You eyes are red. Haw long have you been watching at TV.
      2. Did you see her when she was in the hospital? She was looking terrible pale.
      3. This child will clearly became an astronomer. He likes gazing at the stars for hours.
      4. He stopped in the corner of the street and he stared to the winner lottery tiket from my hand.
      5. Look at these pieces of glass and plastic. It was an accident here.
      6. The boy s father glared at him when he gave that naughty answer.

    4. 1. Your eyes are red!How long have you been watching Tv?
      2. Did you see her when she was in the hospital? She looked terrible pale.
      3.This kid will certainly become an astronomer. He likes to glaze at the stars for hours.
      4. He stopped in the corner of the street and he stared at the winning ticket from my hand.
      5.Look at these pieces of glass and plastic! It was an accident here.
      6. The boy’s father glared him when he gave him that impertinent answer.

    5. 1 Your eyes are red.How long have you been watching at TV?
      2 Did you see her when was at the hospital?
      3 The child will become clear an astronomer.He like watching the stars for hours.
      4 He stopped in the corner of the street and he stared to the winner lottery ticket from my hand.
      5 Look at these pieces of glass and plastic! It was an accident.
      6 Boy’s father glared him when he made that insolent retort.


    6. 1) Your eyes are red!How long have you been watching tv.? 2) Did you see her when she was at hospital?She was looking terrible pale. 3) This child will clearly get an astronomer.He likes gazing(looking) at the stars for hours. 4) He stopped at the street corner and he stared towards the winner lottery ticket in my hand. 5) Look at these pieces of glass and plastic!It was an accident here. 6) The boy’s father glared at him when he gave him that naughty answer.

    7. 1.Your eyes are red !How long have you been watching TV?
      2.Did you see her when she was in hospital? She looked terrible pale.
      3.This child is going to become clear astronomer.He likes watching the stars for hours.
      4.He stoped in corner of the street and he has stared at the winning lottery ticket of the my hand.
      5. Look at these pieces of glass and plastic! It was an accident here.
      6. The boy’s father glared him when he gave that naughty answer.


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