(cuvinte care se pronunta la fel, dar se scriu diferit)

  • Already = deja
  • All ready = gata, pregatiti

Are you already all ready?

  • Break = a sparge, a rupe; a incalca
  • Brake = frana

Can you break the brake?

  • Course = curs (de rau, de evenimente; de studiu) ; fel de mancare
  • Coarse = aspru, denivelat

They followed the course of the river on a coarse weather.

Although the stone on which they were eating / they were eating on was coarse, they enjoyed the main course by the river.

  • here = aici
  • hear = a auzi

Can you hear the voices here in the cave?

  • Know = a sti
  • no = nu

No, he doesn’t know anything about the event.

  • Knew = a stiut
  • New = nou

My cousin knew nothing new about the exam results.

  • Pair = pereche
  • Pear = pară

I’m cleaning my pair of shoes because a pear has fallen of them.

  • passed  (brit. + amer.) = a trecut
  • past = trecut; si (la ceas)

In the past, a bridge passed where my house is now.

  • Piece = bucata, piesa
  • Peace = pace

She won’t have peace until she has a piece of that creamy cake.

  • Plane = avion
  • plain = simplu, campie

The captain was forced to land the plane on the plain.

  • right = corect, drept, dreapta
  • write = a scrie

Did you write this with your right hand? It’s an awful writing!

  • Than = decat
  • Then = atunci, apoi

I was much thinner than her then.

  • their  = lor
  • they’re = they are (prescurtat) = ei/ele sunt
  • there  = acolo

They’re very excited because they and their friends are there.

  • Your  = tau
  • You’re  = you are (prescurtat) = tu esti, voi sunteti

You’re right, your cup is broken!

  • Threw = a aruncat
  • Through = prin

He threw the arrow through the small opening.

  • too  = prea; de asemenea
  • two  = doi
  • to = la; să (ca să)

It was too much to bring his two dogs in the taxi.

  • Weather = vreme
  • Whether = daca

Tell me whether the weather is cold.

  • Whose = al cui
  • Who’s = who is (prescurtat) = cine este

Who’s that man whose car is parked under the “no parking” sign?

  • knight = cavaler
  • night = noapte

That night, the knight went hunting.

Tradu urmatoarele propozitii:

  1. In timpul noptilor de vara cavalerii obisnuiau sa se intalneasca.
  2. Doua dintre pisici erau prea departe ca sa le prinda.
  3. Pentru ca era fereastra deschisa, niste copii au aruncat o minge prin ea.
  4. Cred ca esti foarte mandru de fiul tau.
  5. Ei sunt acolo si vine si bunica lor.
  6. Apoi el a devenit un alergator mult mai bun decat fratele meu.
  7. N-ai dreptul sa scrii una ca asta despre mine.
  8. Fiica mea poarta o rochie simpla, in timp de fiica lor poarta una foarte colorata, cu un mic avion pe maneca.
  9. Era liniste si pace in camera lor pentru ca asteptau ca el sa-si mute piesa pe masa de sah.
  10. Era zece si jumatate, iar ea a pornit TV-ul ca sa se uite la emisiunea ei preferata despre civilizatii trecute.
  11. N-are nicio idee ca stiu totul despre activitatea lui.
  12. Designerul stia toate lucrurile noi din moda.
  13. Bunicul lui nu putea vedea parul fara perechea lui de ochelari.
  14. E dificil sa auzi ceva aici in camera cand e prea mult zgomot pe strada.
  15. Drumul de tara era denivelat, dar era mai bine pentru haiduci sa calatoreasca astfel datorita cursului evenimentelor.
  16. Nu poti incalca legea si sa apesi frana prea mult.
  17. Pana a venit el, deja eram gata cu totii.
  18. Ea l-a intrebat daca vremea era frumoasa pentru schiat.

Rezolvarea propozitiilor:

7 thoughts on “OMOFONE”

  1. 1. During the summer nights,the knights used to meet.
    2. Two of the cats were too far to catch them.
    3. Because the window was opened,some children threw a ball through it.
    4. I think you’re very proud of your son.
    5. They are there and their grandmother is coming too.
    6. Then, he became a much better runner than my brother.
    7. You don’t have the right to write something like this about me.
    8. My daughter wears a simple dress while their daughter wears one colorful dress with a small plane on the sleeve.
    9. It was quiet and peace in their room because they were waiting to him to move his play on chess table.
    10. It was a half past ten, and she has started TV to watch at her favourite show about past civilizations.
    11. He has no ideea that I know everything about his activity.
    12. The designer knew all the new things in fashion.
    13. His grandfather couldn’t see the pear tree without his pair of glasses.
    14. It’s difficult to hear something here in the room when it’s too much noise on the street.
    15. The country road was coarse, but it was better for the outlaws to travel in this way, due to the course of events.
    16. You can’t break the law and press the brake too much.
    17. Untill he came,we had already been all ready.
    18. She asked him if whether the weather was nice for skiing.

  2. ERATA TARDIVA 🙂 La exercitiul 8,trebuia sa folosesc verbul to wear la prezent continuu dar obsedata de vanatoarea de omonime,il vedeam pe wear omonim cu where (care nu exista in fraza originala)…..greseala recunoscuta e jumate’ iertata,dear Madalina?

  3. 1 The knights used to meet during the summer nights.
    2 Two of the cats were too far to catch them.
    3 Because the windows was open some children have thrown a ball through it.
    4 I think you are very proud of your soon.
    5 They are over there and their grandmother is coming too.
    6 Then he has become much better runner than my brother.
    7 You do’t have right to write something like that about me.
    8 My daughter is wearing a simple dress while their daughter is wearing one very color with a little plane on the sleeve.
    9 It was silence and peace in their room because they have waited for him to move the piece of the chessboard.
    10 It was half past ten while she turned the TV on to watch her favoured show about the past civilizations.
    11 He has not idea I know everything about his activity.
    12 The designer has known all the new things of fashion.
    13 His grandfather could not see the pear tree without his pear glasses.
    14 It is difficult to hear something here in this room when is too much noise outside.
    15 The country road was broken…..
    16 You can’t break the law and jam on the brake too much.
    17 We already were all ready by he arrived.
    18 She asked him whether the weather was good to ski.

  4. 1. The knight used to meet each other in during of summer night
    2. Two of cats were too far, for to catch them
    3. Because the window was poen , some children threw one ball throught it
    4. I think than yuo’r very proud of your son
    5. They are there and their grandma is comming.
    6. Then he became a much better runner that my brother
    7. You din’t right to write this about me
    8. My daughter is wearing a plain dress while their daughter is wearing a very coulorful dress, with a little plane on this sleeve
    9.Itwas silence and peace in their room, because they are waiting than he to move the piece on the chese table
    10. It was half past ten and she sweched on TV ta watch her favorite show about passed civilizations
    11. He don’t has no idea than I know all about his activity
    12. The disigner knew all the new things in faction
    13. His grandpa couldn’t see the pear tree without his pair of glasses
    14.It is difficult to hear something here in the room, when it is too much noise on the street
    15.The country road was coarse, but for the outlaws it was more better to travelso due cours of event
    16. You can’t to break the law and to press the brake so much
    17. Until he came, already we were all ready
    18. She asked him whether was beautiful for skiing

  5. BINE AI REVENIT,MADALINA!MULTUMIM!Observ ca cei trei colegi muuult mai tineri s-au limitat doar sa se entuziasmeze de tema dar nu si sa puna osul la treaba.Curaj,copii!voua va va fi infinit mai util sa munciti pentru a va insusi abilitatile in stapanirea limbii engleze;mai tarziu ii veti multumi Madalinei ca v-a intins o mana …. 1)During the summer nights,the knights used to meet. 2)Two of the cats were too far to be caught by him. 3)Because the window was opened,some children threw a ball through it.4)I think you’re very proud of your son.5)They are there and their grandmother is coming.6)Then,he became a much better runner than my brother.7)You don’t have the right to write something like that about me.8)My daughter wears a plain dress,while their daughter wears the very colourful one,with a little plane on its sleeve.9)It was silence and peace in their room because they were waiting he to move the piece on the chess table.10)It was half past ten and she switched on tv to watch her favourite show about the past civilizations.11)He has no idea that I know everything about his work.12)The designer knew all the new things in fashion.13)His grandpa couldn’t see the pear tree without his pair of glasses.14)It’s difficult to hear anything here in the room when it’s too much noise on the street.15)The country road was coarse,but it was better for the outlaws to travel in this way,due to the course of events.16)You can’t break the law and press the brake too much.17)Untill he came,we had already been all ready.18)She asked him whether the weather was nice for skiing.

  6. Buna Madalina.Unde pot sa trimit raspunsurile cu traducerile propozitiilor de ta tema OMOFONE pentru a ma corecta


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