RAISE  – raised – raised (a ridica, a creste, a aduna) => verb tranzitiv (dupa el urmeaza neaparat un complement direct)

The workers are raising a new building in the centre of the town.

There aren’t many farmers who raise cattle.

All parents strive to raise their children well.

Don’t make me raise my voice!

He’s so happy because his boss has just raised his salary.

Would you like to raise money for the charity?

RISE – rose – risen (a se ridica; a rasari)

The sun raises earlier in summer.

My grandpa has just risen from his chair and he is a little dizzy.

A new building is rising in the centre of the town.


1. Venitul ei a crescut cu zece la suta pana acum.

2. A rasarit luna, priveste !

3. Turnul se ridica deasupra dealului.

4. E bine sa inveti cum sa te ridici de la esesc la succes.

5. Cu mult timp in urma, un gentleman isi ridica palaria atunci cand intalnea o femeie.

6. Regele trebuie sa ridice o armata mare pentru a infrange dusmanul.

9 thoughts on “RAISE – RISE”

  1. 1. Her income was raised with ten percent so far.
    2. Look the moon is rising!
    3.The tower is rising above the hill.
    4.It’s good to learn how to rise yourself from failure to success.
    5. The King must raise a big army to defeat the enemy.

  2. 1.Her income raised with 10 procent so far
    2.The moon rose, look !
    3.The town is rising over the hill
    4.It’good, to learn how to rise from failure to succes
    5 A long time ago a gentalmen had raised his hat when he met a women
    6.The king must to raise a big army for to defeat his enamy

  3. 1. Her income has risen with 10% so far.
    2. Look! The moon rose.
    3. The tower is rising over the hill.
    4. It`s good to learn how you rise from faillure tosucces.
    5. A long time, a gentleman was raising his hat when he was meeting a lady.
    6. The king must raise a large army for defeating the enemy

  4. 1)Her income has risen with ten percent so far. 2)Look!The moon has risen! 3)The tower was rising above the hill …OR:The tower rises above the hill. 4)It’s good to learn how to rise from failure to success. 5)Long time ago,a gentleman was raising his hat when he was meeting a lady. 6)The king must raise a large army for defeating the enemy.

  5. 1. Her income has raised with ten percents, until now.
    2. Look, the Moon has risen!
    3. The tower raise above the hill.
    4. It’s good to learn how to rise from failure to succes.
    5. Long time ago, an gentlemen raised his hat when he met a lady.
    6. The king must raise a big army to defeat the enemy.

  6. 1. Her income has risen 10% by now.
    2. Look, the moon has risen.
    3. The tower is rising above the hill.
    4. It’s good to know how to rise from failure to success.
    5. A long time ago, a gentleman was raising his hat when he was meeting a woman.
    6. The king must raise a big army to defeat the enemy.

  7. 1.Her income has risen with ten per cent until now.
    2.Look, the moon has risen.
    3.The tower is rising above the hill.
    4.A long time ago, a gentleman raised his hat when he met a lady.
    5.The king has to raise a big army to defeat the enemy.

  8. 1.The wages she raised with 10% to now.
    2.The moon is raising, are you looking !
    3.The tower is riseing over an hill.
    4.It is to learn what is rasing from i nuccess at success.
    5.A long time , one gentelman his raised til when met one women.
    6.The King must is rasing big army for is defeats an hostile.


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