Expresii 5

Expresii 5

Tradu în engleza folosind expresiile din videoclip:

  1. Cineva trebuie să fi tras sforile pentru a-l aduce pe cel mai stupid fost coleg al meu în acea funcție de conducere.
  2. Ca regulă de baza, 20% din activitățile tale îți oferă 80% din bani.
  3. Programul a fost un mare succes deoarece fiecare etapă fusese planificată înainte.
  4. E un pariu sigur să le oferi angajaților bani în loc de alte cadouri de Crăciun.
  5. Nu bate campii, spune direct că nu știi răspunsul!
  6. Voi trece direct la subiect: avem puțin personal, așa că toată lumea trebuie să facă ore suplimentare timp de o lună.
  7. Câștigătorii în afaceri au jucat întotdeauna dur.
  8. În final, consiliul a dat undă verde unei firme să demareze reconstrucția parcului.

Vezi rezolvarea in videoclip:

12 thoughts on “Expresii 5”

  1. Buna, Madalina,
    1. Someone must have pulled strings to get my stupidest former colleague into that leadership position.
    2. As a rule of thumb, 20%of your activities gives you 80% of your money.
    3. The program was a great success because each stage had been planned ahead.
    4. It’s a safe bet to give employees cash/money instead of other Christmas gifts.
    5. Don’t beat around the bush, just say you don’t know the answer.
    6. I’ll get straight to the point: we have few personnel, so everyone has to work overtime for a month.
    7. Winners in business have always played hardball.
    8. In the end, the council gave the green light to a company to start rebuilding the park/ the reconstruction of the park.


  2. 1. Someone had to pull the strings for bringing my ex most stupid colleague in that managerial position.
    2. As a rule of thumb, 20% of your activities offer you 80% of money.
    3. The program was a big success because every stage had been planned ahead.
    4. It is a safe bet to give employees money instead of other Christmas gifts.
    5. Don’t beat around the bush, say straight you don’t know the answer.
    6. I’ll get straight to the point: we don’t have enough personnel, so that everyone has to do extra working hours for a month.
    7. The business winners have always played hard.
    8. Finally, the council has given the green light to a company in order to start the rebuilding of the park.

    • Bine ai venit cu solutiile tale, Antoaneta 🙂 Si e chiar foarte, foarte bine!

      O singura precizare am, in rest e foarte bine:
      1. – has to pull = trebuie sa traga (deci referire la prezent), iar noi ne referim la trecut aici

      • Buna, Madalina!
        Multumesc si eu pentru raspuns, incurajare si pentru postarea rezolvarii exercitiilor.

        P.S. Ai o metoda foarte explicita de predare a informatiei. Felicitari!

        Toate cele bune!

  3. 1.Someone must have pulled the strings to get my most stupid former colleague into that leadership position.
    2.As a rule of thumb, 20% of your activities give you 80% of your money.
    3.The program was a great success because every stage had been planned in advance.
    4.It’s a safe bet to give your employees money instead of other Christmas gifts.
    5.Don’t beat around the bush, say directly that you don’t know the answear!
    6. I’ll get straight to the point: we’re short-staffed , so everyone has to work overtime for a month.
    7.Winners in business have always played hardball.
    8.In the end, the council gave the green light to a company to start rebuilding the park.

    • Foarte bine, Liliana! De altfel nici nu ma mir 🙂 Mereu ai fost prezenta cu solutiile tale, iar munca mereu da roade.

      5 “answear” e site-ul 🙂 “answer” e raspunsul 🙂

  4. 1. Someone must have pulled the strings to bring the stupidest former colleague of mine into that leadeshep position.
    2. As rule of thumb, 20% of your activities give you 80% of your money.
    3.The program was a great succes because each stage had been planned ahead.
    4. It is a safe bet to offer employees money instead of others Christmas gifts.
    5. Don’t you beat around the bush, say directly that you don’t know the answer.
    6.I will get straight to the point: we are understaffed, so people have to work overtime for a month.
    7.The winners în business have always played hardball.
    8.Finnaly, the council has given the green light to a company to start rebulding the park.

    • Foarte bine, Petra, felicitari!!

      3 – success
      7 – nu as pune “the” inainte de “winners”; cand vorbim in general, nu punem “the”
      8 – finally

  5. 1. Someone has to pulled strings to brought the most stupid former colegue of mine in that managing position.
    2. As rule of thumb, 20% of your activities offer you 80% of money.
    3. The programm has been a great succes because every stage had been planed ahead.
    4. It s a safe bet to offer employees money insted of another gifts for Christmans.
    5. Don t beat around the bush, say stright that you don t know the answer !
    6. I ll get stright to the point: we have little a little staff, so everybody have to do overtime for a month.
    7. The winners in business have played hardball.
    8. Finally, the council has given green light a company to start the rebuild of the park.

    • Bine, Sorin, insa avem cateva ajustari:

      1. “has to pulled” nu exista, dar exista “has to pull” = trebuie sa traga, la noi e putin altfel, se refera la trecut si e alta structura
      “to brought” ar insemna “sa adus”
      4 – “another” e pentru singular, “other” e pentru plural
      6 – atentie cum il scrii pe “straight”, si aici si la cea dinainte; “little” sau “a little”? 🙂
      8 – in general, cuvantul care raspunde la intrebarea “cui?” are “to” in fata – to a company; rebuilding este substantivul de dupa “the”; “rebuild” e verb doar


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