Tradu in engleza folosind expresiile din videoclip:

1. Cine vrea sa sparga gheata si sa ia cuvantul?

2. Cand au format echipele, a fost lasat pe din afara.

3. A vrut sa ia parte la concurs, dar dupa ceva timp si-a pierdut curajul.

4. Nu esti prietenul meu adevarat! Mi-ai intors spatele cand aveam nevoie de tine mai mult!

5. Ploaia de toamna intotdeauna ma face sa ma simt indispus.

6. Daca o sa-i spui asta directorului, o sa fii intr-o situatie delicata.

7. Cum de s-a sinucis cu asa sange rece?

8. Cu totii il admiram pentru ceea ce stie, dar cred ca vedem doar varful icebergului.

9. In timp ce vizitam pestera am auzit un zgomot care ne-a inghetat sangele.

17 thoughts on “COLD”

  1. Felicitari pentru ca ati tradus, dragilor 🙂

    Hai sa va dau raspunsurile corecte, iar daca aveti nelamuriri, va rog sa imi spuneti.

    1. Who wants to break the ice and take the floor / speak?

    2. When they set the teams, he was left in the cold.

    3. She wanted to take part in that contest, but after some time she got cold feet.

    4. You’re not my true friend! You gave me the cold shoulder when I needed you more!

    5. Autumn rain always makes me feel under the weather.

    6. If you tell that to the manager, you’ll be on thin ice.

    7. How could he commit suicide in such cold blood?

    8. We all admire him for what he knows, but I think we see only the tip of the iceberg.

    9. While we were visiting the cave, we heard a noise that froze our blood.

  2. Ah, si 9 : While we were visiting the cave, we heard a noize that froze our blood.
    Sorry for all these comebacks! 🙂

  3. Cu mentiunea ca propozitia 8 corecta, cred ca este de fapt:
    8. We all admire him for what he knows, but I think we see only the tip of the iceberg. 🙂

  4. 1.Who does want to break the ice and take the floor?
    2.When they made the teams they left him out in the cold.
    3.He wanted to take part to the contest but after a while he got cold feet.
    4. You are not my true friend! You gave me the cold shoulder when I needed more.
    5. The autumn rain always makes me feel under the weather.
    6.If you’ll tell the manager this, you will be on thin ice.
    7. How did he kill himself in such a cold blood?
    8. We all had admired for what he knows, but I think I had saw only the tip of the iceberg.
    9.While I was visiting the cave we heard a noise that froze our blood.

  5. Multumesc. Da, inca mai am probleme cu schema de interogativ, nu cred ca am observat pana acum ca nu se pune verb cu cu in fata dupa “make” si “let”, cat despre “already” si “always” este vorba de neatentie, care este si ea pana la urma o problema.
    Mai am probleme cu articolul hotarat “the”, mi se intampla sa-l pun si cand nu trebuie.
    Iti doresc o zi frumoasa!

  6. 1. Cine vrea sa sparga gheata si sa ia cuvantul?
    Who wants to break the ice and to speak / and to take de floor?
    2. Cand au format echipele, a fost lasat pe din afara.
    When they formed the teams, he was left out in the cold .
    3. A vrut sa ia parte la concurs, dar dupa ceva timp si-a pierdut curajul.
    He wanted to take part in the contest, but after a while he got cold feet.
    4. Nu esti prietenul meu adevarat! Mi-ai intors spatele cand aveam nevoie de tine mai mult!
    You are not my true friend! You gave me the cold shoulder, when I needed you more.
    5. Ploaia de toamna intotdeauna ma face sa ma simt indispus.
    The autumn rain already makes me to be under the weather.
    6. Daca o sa-i spui asta directorului, o sa fii intr-o situatie delicata.
    If you tell this to the director, you will be on the thin ice.
    7. Cum de s-a sinucis cu asa sange rece?
    How he killed himself / he committed suicide in such cold blood?
    8. Cu totii il admiram pentru ceea ce stie, dar cred ca vedem doar varful icebergului.
    We all admire / look up to him for what he knows, but I think we only see the tip of the iceberg.
    9. In timp ce vizitam pestera am auzit un zgomot care ne-a inghetat sangele.
    While we was visiting the cave, we heard a noise that froze our blood.

    • Super, Cornelia, cel mai bun raspuns de pana acum!
      5. dupa “make” si “let” NU punem verb cu “to” in fata – makes me be / makes me feel
      already = deja; always = intotdeauna
      7. – de revazut respectarea schemei de interogativ!

  7. 1. Who wants to break the ice and say a word?
    2. When they have formed the teams, he was left out.
    3. He wanted to join at the contest, but after a long time he lose her brave.
    4. You aren’t my best friend! You turned your back to me when I have needed you the most.
    5. Autumn rain always make me fell unwell.
    6. If you tell this to the director, you will be in a delicate situation.
    7. How did he kill himself with such cold blood?
    8. All of us admired him for what he knows, but we think we see only the top of iceberg.
    9. A sound has frozen our blood while we were visiting the cave.

    • Carmen, felicitari pentru incercare 🙂
      Mmmm… esti sigura ca ai vazut intai videoclipul?
      Past Simple peste tot pe unde ai pus Present Perfect – e vorba de acele momente exacte din trecut, vezi perechile lor de timpuri de la celelalte timpuri din aceleasi propozitii.

  8. Buna Madalina, iata traducerea facuta de mine.Trebuie sa recunosc ca am avut ceva dificultati,cu timpuriele verbale,
    dar am incercat:
    1.Who wants to break the ice and speaks?
    2.When they made the teams, he was left out in the cold.(sau has been left out???)
    3.He wanted to take part to the countest but, after a while, he got cold feet.
    4.You aren’t my true friend! You give me the cold shoulder when I needed you a lot.
    5.The autumn rain always makes me feel under the water.
    6.If you tell this to the director/ manager , you’ll be on the thin ice.
    7.How did he kill him self in so cold blood?
    8.All of us admire him about what he knows but I think it is just the tip of the iceberg.
    9.We heard a noise which froze our blood while we were visiting the cage.

    • Buna Alina,
      Felicitari pentru incercare si pentru ca… you broke the ice 🙂
      Zic sa mai asteptam ceva raspunsuri pana sa dau eu verdictul final, dar asa vrea sa fac unele comentarii referitoare la timpuri pentru ca asta zici ca e problema ta.
      2. “he was left” pentru ca e vorba de momentul acela cand au facut echipele.
      4. “you GAVE me…” din nou Past Simple pentru ca e vorba de acel moment cand am avut nevoie.
      In rest timpurile sunt bine.
      La 9 nu stiu de ce ai inversat propozitiile din fraza, poate asa ti-a fost mai usor.


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