PUT – idioms

 PUT – expresii idiomatice


Secretary: “Mr. Alien’s office. How may I help you?”

Lady Gaga: “Is Mr. Alien  there? Tell him Lady Gaga wants to talk to him!”

Secretary: “I have to put you on hold to see if he’s available.”

Mr. Alien: “Yes, Lady Gaga, what seems to be the problem?”

Lady Gaga: “Hi, Mr. Alien, I’m glad you have some free time.”

Mr. Alien: “Who‘s saying I have?!”

Lady Gaga
: “Whatever… the problem is that I’ve been suffering from lack of inspiration lately and I can’t put my finger on the cause of it!”

Mr. Alien: “Have you really thought about it? Are you trying to make others find solutions for you?”

Lady Gaga: “No, believe me! I’ve tried to put two and two together!”

Mr. Alien: “And…? What have you found?”

Lady Gaga: “I haven’t!”

Mr. Alien:
“Let’s put the cards on the table! You’ve been wasting your time…”

Lady Gaga: “Oh, I can’tput anything over on you… “

Mr. Alien: “See…? Take Madonna’s example! She’s changed with time. She’s a writer now.”

Lady Gaga: “A writer! Yes! That’s it! She doesn’t make money from music only! And it isn’t good to put all your eggs in one basket, indeed! But do you think people will read what I’ll write?”

Mr. Alien: “Don’t put the blame on people, Gaga!”

Lady Gaga: “But people are my public, my readers, they should…”

Mr. Alien
: “Gaga… you put two and two together and made five! I wasn’t saying you should become a writer, I was saying you should change! Look, I have to put an end to our conversation, Jim Carrey is on hold…”

  • put someone on hold
  • put my finger on
  • put two and two together
  • put two and two together and make five
  • put the cards on the table
  • put something over on somebody
  • put all one’s eggs in one basket
  • put the blame on
  • put an end to


Tradu urmatoarele propozitii folosind aceste expresii:

  1. Chiar trebuie sa pui capat acestei relatii?
  2. E usor sa dai vina pe altii.
  3. Stia ca el are o problema, dar nu putea s-o identifice.
  4. Nu pot sa spun o minciuna pentru ca unchiul meu e asa istet incat nu poti sa-l pacalesti.
  5. Cand studiezi asa ceva, iti ia timp sa pui lucrurile cap la cap.
  6. E intelept sa ai mai multe surse de venit, cu alte cuvinte nu e bine sa-ti pui toate oauale intr-un singur cos.
  7. Hai sa dam cartile pe fata… unii oameni ar fi mai fericiti daca ar trai in alta tara.
  8. Ma puteti pune in asteptare in timp ce-mi cautati dosarul!
  9. Cum de ai inteles asta? Categoric ai pus lucrurile cap la cap si ti-a dat cu minus (ai inteles gresit)!


Urmareste in videoclip traducerea propozitiilor de mai sus:


4 thoughts on “PUT – idioms”

  1. Buna Madalina!

    1. Do you really have to put on end to this relationship?
    2. It is easy to put the blame on others.
    3. He knew that he have has a problem but he could not put his finger on the cause of it.
    4. I can not say a lie because my uncle is so smart that you can not put him over on you.
    5. When you study this, it takes time to put two and two together.
    6. It is wise to have more income saurces, in other words, it is not good to put all your eggs in one basket.
    7. Let,s put de cards on the table! … some people would be happier if they lived in another country.
    8. You can put me on hold while you are looking for my file.
    9. How did you understand that? Definitely you put two and two together and gave you a minus(you misunderstood).

  2. I’m trying to break the ice…
    1. Do you really have to put an end to this relationship?
    2. Putting the blame on others is easy.
    3. He knew he had a problem but he couldn’t put his finger on it.
    4, I can’t say a lie because my uncle is so smart that you can’t put anything over on him.
    5. When you study like that, it takes time to you to put two and two together.
    6. Having more income sources is wise, in other words putting all eggs in one basket is not good.
    7. Let’s put the cards on the table.. some people would be happier if they lived in other country.
    8. You can put me on hold while you search for my file.
    9. How did you understand that? / How did you get it?
    Difinately you put two and two together and made five,


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