TURN – idioms

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Tradu urmatoarele propozitii, folosind ce ai invatat in videoclip:

  1. Nu intoarce spatele culturii tale pentru ca este o parte importanta a trecutului tau!
  2. Un copil ne da mereu lumea peste cap.
  3. Pana acum, primarul a inchis ochii la problemele orasului.
  4. Vrea să afle ce a întors-o pe fiica lor împotriva ei.
  5. De obicei, politicienii nu-si pleaca urechea la cererile oamenilor.
  6. Da, a întors celălalt obraz, dar fierbea înăuntru.
  7. Când am intrat acolo, mirosul urât ne-a întors stomacul.
  8. Nu am vrut să urc pentru că nu voiam să imi luxez o gleznă sau să fac altceva sa mă rănesc.
  9. Prezența secretarei în sala de ședințe face capetele tuturor angajatilor sa se intoarca.

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6 thoughts on “TURN – idioms”

  1. 1.Don’t turn your back on your culture, because it is an important part of your past!
    2.A child always turns our world upside down.
    3.Until now, the mayor turned a blind eye to the city’s problems.
    4.She wants to know what turned their daughter against her.
    5.Politicians usually don’t turn a deaf ear to the people’s requests.
    6.Yes, he turned the other cheek, but he was seething inside him.
    7.When I entered there, the bad smell turned our stomachs.
    8.I didn’t want to go up because I didn’t want to turn my ankle or to do something else to hurt myself.
    9.The presence of the secretary in the meeting room makes turn all the employees’ heads.

    • 3. – Present Perfect, ca e “until now/so far” 🙂
      4. as pune Present Perfect “has turned” pentru ca nu ma refer la un moment anume exact din trecut.
      5. “to turn a deaf ear” are conotatie negativa (a-si intoarce urechea surda / a NU-si pleca urechea), deci se foloseste la afimativ!
      9. face + ce anume? face capetele angajatilor sa se intoarca ; inainte de verb este subiectul – all the employees’ heads turn

  2. 1. Don t turn your back on your culture because it is an important part of your past !
    2. A child always turn our world upside down.
    3. The major has turned a blind eye to the city s problemes so far.
    4. She wants to find out what turned their daugheter against her.
    5. The politicians usually don t turn a deaf ear to the people s demands.
    6.Yes, he has turned the other cheeck, but he has boiled inside himself.
    7. When I have entered there, bad smell have turned our stomach.
    8. I don t want to go up because I don t want to turn my ankle or to do something else to
    hurt myself.
    9. The presence of the secretary in the meeting room makes turn all the employees heads.

    • 2. turnS (el, copilul)
      4. as pune Present Perfect “has turned” pentru ca nu ma refer la un moment anume exact din trecut.
      5. ar fi bine daca pe asta am puntea-o pune la negativ in contextul actual :))
      “to turn a deaf ear” are conotatie negativa (a-si intoarce urechea surda / a NU-si pleca urechea), se foloseste cu afimativ!
      6. ardea = imperfect in romana => Past Continuous in engleza
      7. – Past Simple peste tot pentru ca ma refer la acel moment exact cand am intrat
      8. – propozitia era la trecut 🙂
      9. – expresia incepe cu subiectul ei – all the employees’ heads turn – subiect si apoi verb.


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