FRIEND diagram


I’m a friendly person and I like to have lots of friends. I have developed nice friendships even with people from abroad. We have talked and talked and we have become friends. When you have problems, it’s nice to see a friendly smile and to have a best friend to encourage you.

Some people are unfriendly and some people are too friendly – they are friendly with anybody and they consider them close friends.

I have an old friend who met his girlfriend in a bus. They started talking and they took to each other immediately. Then, they exchanged nicknames and they kept in touch with the help of the messenger. They said it was a user-friendly tool for them.

This kind of approach would have been too much for me, but I agree it’s good to have friends. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Do you make friends easily?

 Tradu in engleza urmatoarele propozitii:

  1. Cat de prietenos esti cu strainii?
  2. Te-a dezamagit vreodata un prieten apropiat ?
  3. Cand era in New York, s-a intalnit cu un vechi prieten de-al ei.
  4. Fiul ei isi petrece toate zilele de nastere cu prietenii cei mai buni.
  5. Nu mai intalnisem niciodata asa o persoana neprientenoasa inainte sa-l intalnesc pe el.
  6. N-am de gand sa folosesc acest program ca sa convertesc mp3-uri pentru ca nu e usor de folosit (nu e prietenos cu utilizatorul)/
  7. Ti-ai facut prieteni printre noii tai colegi?
  8. Alice este foarte entuziasmata, tocmai se intalneste cu prietenul ei.

Rezolvarea propozitiilor:

9 thoughts on “FRIEND”

  1. Buna ziua! Am incercat si eu sa le traduc, nu am reusit totul corect, inca imi dau batai de cap dar continui sa fac exercitii. Am incercat sa depistez timpurile la fiecare propozitie in parte in timp ce traduceam. La unele ati mentionat si in video. Va rog sa mi spuneti daca sunt asa:
    1. Present simple
    2. Present perfect simple
    3.Past simple
    4. Present simple
    5. Past perfect simple
    6. Going to
    7. Present perfect simple
    8. Present continuous.
    Multumesc mult !

    • Buna Claudia,
      Nimeni nu a fost perfect din primele incercari 🙂 Nu te da batuta! Mai ales ca le-ai ghicit bine. Deci asa sunt timpurile. Trebuie sa corelezi numele timpului, cu schema lui si cand se foloseste.

  2. 1.How friendly are you with foreigners.
    2.Have you ever been disappointed by a close friend?
    3.When she was in New York she met old friend of hers.
    4.Her son spends all his birthdays with his best friends.
    5.I had never met such an unfriendly person before I met him.
    6. I’m not going to use this program to convert ( in order to convert) mp3 because it’s not user friendly.
    7.Have you made friends through your new colleagues ?
    8.Alice is very excited,she is just on the point of meeting ( seeing) her boyfriend.

  3. 1. How friendly are you with strangers ?
    2. Has a close friend ever disappointed you ?
    3. When she was in New York , she met an old friend of her .
    4. Her son spends all his birthdays with his best friends.
    5. I had never met such an unfriendly person until I met him .
    6. I’m not going to use this programme to convert the MP3 as it isn’t an user-friendly.
    7.Have you made any friends among your new collegues ?
    8.Alice is very enthusiastical, she’s just seeing her boyfriend .

  4. 26 februarie 2013 ora 17:30
    1.How friendly are you with strangers?
    2.Has a close friend ever disappointed you?
    3.When she was in New York, she met her old friend.
    4.Her son spends all his birthdays with his best friends.
    5.I had never met such an unfriendly person before I met him.
    6.I’m not going to use this programme to convert because it’s not user-friendly.
    7.Have you made friends among your new colleagues?
    8.Alice is very enthusiastic, she is just meeting her boyfriend.

  5. 1. How friendly are you with strangers?
    2. Has a close friend ever disappointed you?
    3. When she was in New York, she met her old friend.
    4. Her son spends all his birthdays with his best friends.
    5. I had never met such an unfriendly person before I met him.
    6. I’m not going to use this programme to convert mp3 because it’s not user-friendly.
    7. Have you made friends among your new colleagues?
    8. Alice is very enthusiastic, she is just meeting her boyfriend.

  6. 1.How friendly are you with strangers?
    2.Have you ever disappointed a close friend?
    3.When she was in New York she met with her friend.
    4.Her son celebrates all his birthdays with best friends.
    5.I had never met so unfriendly person before I met him.
    6.I don’t intend to use this program to convert mp3 because it isn’t user-friendly.
    7.Did you make friends between your new collegues?
    8.Alice is very enthusiast,she is just seeing with her boyfriend.

  7. 1. How friendly are you with the strangers?
    2. Have you ever been disappointed about a close friend?
    3. She met with his old boyfriend when she was in New York.
    4. Her son spends every birthday with his best friends.
    5. I have never met such unfriendly person before I met him.
    6. I don’t aim/intend to use this program to convert mp3 because it is not user friendly/user unfriendly.
    7. Did you made friends among your new colleagues?
    8. Alice is very exciting, she has just met with her boyfriend.

  8. 1) How friendly are you with strangers? 2) Has a close friend ever disappointed you? Or:Have you ever been disappointed of a close friend? 3) When she was at New York,she met her old friend. 4) Her son spends all his birthdays with his best friends. 5) I had never met such unfriendly person before I met him. 6) I’m not going to use this program for converting mp3 because it isn’t user-friendly. 7) Have you made friends among your new colleagues?8)Alice is very enthusiastic,she’s just meeting with her boyfriend. Multumesc pentru lectii si exercitii,Madalina.You are my best friend !


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