PLEASE – cuvinte derivate



Joseph was so pleased to meet Liz. She was a beautiful woman and Joseph had always thought that a beautiful woman pleased anybody’s eye. So, it was a very pleasant surprise when she accepted to date him. He, of course, was also pleasantly surprised when she decided to accompany him to his house after dinner, because he had found great pleasure in talking to her.

When they arrived, Liz said she was going to cover his eyes to play a funny game. Joseph wasn’t very comfortable with this idea, but he didn’t want to displease her. So he told her to do as she pleased. Soon, he heard the music playing on the computer and he wondered why it was heavy metal when a more romantic music would have been more appropriate. He was quite displeased with the noisy sounds and he told Liz to change it. But Liz didn’t answer. Joseph called her name a few times, but, again, no answer. “What was going on?”, he wondered… and removed the scarf around his eyes.

Liz had left a note on his desk. “Dear Joseph, I was really pleased with your company and the way you behaved, but time is always money. I took 1000 pounds from the drawer. I hope you won’t find so much displeasure in that. So, thank you. Love, Liz.”

“What an unpleasant situation!” Joseph thought. “I don’t even know if I can call the police….Can you, please, give me a clue?”


cuvinte derivate - PLEASE


Exerseaza si tu cuvintele invatate, incercand sa traduci urmatoarele propozitii:

1. A fost foarte nemultumit cand a vazut ca ii furase banii.
2. E placut sa te plimbi intr-o zi insorita.
3. Nu cred ca e o idee buna, dar fa cum iti place.
4. Peisajele noastre de la munte incanta ochiul oricui.
5. Esti multumit cu nivelul tau de engleza?
6. A spus ca era incantat sa ma cunoasca, dar fața lui arata altceva.
7. Are de gand sa-si petreaca o dupa-amiaza placut de lenesa?
8. Deja si-au aratat nemultumirea pentru modul in care au fost tratati.
9. Stiu ca nu e corect, dar nu vreau s-o nemultumesc.
10. Ce mod neplacut de a-ti petrece viata ducandu-te la o slujba care nu-ti place!
11. Oamenii incearca mereu sa gaseasca placerea si sa evite durerea.


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9 thoughts on “PLEASE”

  1. Multumesc mult pentu efortul care al faci pentru
    Noi pentru ca to explici verbal
    Si ne dam seam de fiecare verb cand si cum sa-l
    Folosim . Multumesc din nou

  2. 1. He was very displeased when he saw that she had stolen his money.
    2. It is pleasant to walk in a sunny day.
    3. I don’t think that it is a good idea but you do as you please.
    4. Our mountain landscapes please anybody’s eye.
    5. Are you pleased with your English level?
    6. He said he was pleased to meet me, but your face showed something else.
    7. Is he going to spend an afternoon pleasant to lazy?
    8. They already showed their displeasure for the way they were treated.
    9. I know it isn’t correct but I don’t want to unpleasant her.
    10. What an unpleasant way to spend your life going to a job what you don’t like!
    11. People always try to find pleasure and avoid pain.

    Foarte frumos textul!

  3. Draga Madalina ,
    Sa fii ocrotita si pazita in tot ceasul ! Multumesc pentru ca mi-ai dat incredere in mine !
    Inca fac multe greseli gramaticale dar nu am crezut nicicand ca o sa invat limba engleza .

    • Vaiii 🙂 Multumesc tare mult 🙂 Ce ma bucur ca ai incredere in tine!! Si ma bucur ca am contribuit si eu la asta 🙂
      N-as vrea sa comentez rezolvarile tale ca sa nu-i influentez pe altii care vor avea la fel de multa incredere in ei ca sa posteze rezolvarile, urmareste videoclipul in care explic cum se traduc…

  4. 1. He was very displeased when he saw that she had stolen his money .
    2. It is pleasant to take a walk in a sunny day .
    3. I don’t think it’s a good idea but I don’t want to displease her .
    4. Our mountains landscape please anybody’s eye.
    5. Are you pleased with your English level ?
    6. he said he was pleased to meet me , but his face showed something else .
    7. Is she going to spend a lazy pleasantly afternoon ?
    8. They already showed displeasure for the why they had been treated .
    9. I know it’s not fair but I don’t want to displease her .
    10. What an unpleasant way to spend life going to a job you dislike .
    11. People always try to find pleasure and avoid pain .


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